Chapter 11

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Kay PoV
I couldn't speak for what felt like a year. In reality, I gradually got my voice back after a week. I pretty much stayed in my room, not going to Cody and Justin's concerts. I felt lonely because it hurt when I laughed and everyone was always worried about me. Whenever I ate around them, they always kept their eyes on me, worried I would have a reaction. After two days I gave up and only ate in my room. Well, when I ate.

We are heading off to the Bahamas tomorrow. I'm pretty excited because Alice was flying out to meet us. I hadn't spoke to her for ages. Well, I hadn't spoken to anyone for ages. Another thing bothering me, was the fact that my own parents showed me one second of care. I wanted to go home with them and rest, not stay on the tour! I felt unwanted by them. They don't care for me the same way they do for Cody. I thought parents weren't supposed to have favourites.

I heard a knock at the door. The door then swung opened and I saw Justin at my door.

I hadn't seen him a lot. I kept in my room, away from everyone because I knew I couldn't join in with he fun.

I looked down at my hands. I don't know what is happening between us. To be fair to him, he would come and see if I was ok but I'd always pretend to be asleep because I didn't want to see him. I didn't want to see anyone, I felt useless. I hated people talking at me when I couldn't answer back.

"Kay, are you..... are you ok?" he said.

I looked into his eyes and saw that he was tired and worried.

"I will be." I croaked, not making eye contact.

He sighed.

"Get some sleep, we'll be at the airport in 7 hours." he said, blankly, leaving the room.

He was gone. I felt alone once more as I climbed into bed, switched off the light and went to sleep.


"Kay! Kay! Where are you?!" I heard Grams yell.

I was behind the curtain. I giggled.

"You're not behind the curtain are you?" she said, snatching back the curtain.

She gasped and picked me up.

"How's my beautiful princess?" She twirled me around as I giggled in joy.

"Now missy, tomorrow is a big day! You're turning 6! Lets get you to bed and i'll read you a story!" she said, carrying me to my bed.

She tucked me in and read me a bedtime story. She gave me once last kiss but I grabbed her and pulled her in for a hug. She hugged me back and we sat like that for what felt like forever. I snuggled into her chest and never wanted to let go.

"Goodnight, Princess!" she said, tearing herself away from me.

"Goodnight, Grams!" I said. She turned off the light and closed the door.

I started snuggling down when I smelt Cody's cologne. I pulled away, I was in a church. Cody was there. So was Mom and Dad. Everyone was wearing black. I was confused. Then I turned and saw it. Her casket. Her lifeless body. She was gone. My Grams.

I immediately broke down. I was crying hysterically.

"No!!! Come back !!!! No!" I yelled.

I woke up, screaming and crying. I felt as if my throat ripped in two. The door banged in and Justin ran in. He saw me crying and ran over, embracing me.
"Shh,shhh. It's ok." He said, rocking me back and fourth. I cried into his shoulder.
I knew it was only a dream but it brought be back to the day she left us. I missed Grams so much. She meant everything to me. I was her favourite, she loved me more then my parents ever did. Then she was gone. I was wrecked. Then the thing with Kyle happened and I slipped into a deep depression.
Justin wrapped his arms around me tighter. I just cried and cried and cried. He held me close. I never wanted him to let go.
"I-I miss her-r so much-h" I sobbed into his tattooed shoulder.
"Who, Kay?" He said, softly, stroking my hair.
"G-Grams." I said which made me break down even harder.
I held onto him, shaking uncontrollably.
After about 10 minutes, my tears had left me, but I was still attached to Justin.
"Go to sleep." He said, trying to get up.
"Please don't go." I said, weakly, looking into his eyes.
He got into my bed and pulled me onto him.
I snuggled into him and fell asleep to his heartbeat.
Cody PoV
"No!!! Please, come back!!!" I woke suddenly, hearing Kay screaming.
I immediately rolled out of bed but Justin had beat me to it. I saw him sprint towards her room and I closely followed. I saw him holding her as she wept on him. I smiled at the beautiful image and quietly closed the door. I didn't want to disturb them, I'd just ask Justin what was wrong when he came out. Only, he didn't come out.
Justin PoV
I felt Kay's breathing slow down as she clung onto me. I looked down at the beautiful girl and watched her. She looked so peaceful, so perfect. Like an angel. I had fallen for her.
*nearly at the airport*
I woke up and Kay wasn't there. I started to panic when I saw her wander out the bathroom in one of my t-shirts.
"Morning sleepy." She said, crawling across the bed towards me.
I smiled at her. She looked so beautiful. Her eyes were still bloodshot from the night before.
"Morning, beautiful." I said which caused her to blush Crimson.
She giggled that adorable giggle and flopped down next to me.
Kay PoV
I was definitely falling for him. Hard. Even though we hadn't seen each other in a week, we still clicked. I knew he was the one for me but was I the one for him? After all, he is The Justin Bieber, world famous singer and I'm Kay Simpson, Cody Simpson's forgettable sister. Not quite the same. I wanted him, but did he want me?
My note:
This fic is going to have around 25-27 chapters. I have new ideas for new fanfics but I need to finish this one!
I hope you enjoyed!
Thank you!!
Jodie xxx

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