Chapter 8

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Cody PoV
"Did you guys...?" I asked, quite amused.
"No!" Kay shrieked. "No we didn't! Now, leave, I need to get ready." She threw a pillow at me.
I chuckled and backed out the room with my hands up.
"No! Scooter, no! I don't want to!...... No!.... I said NO!" Justin yelled into his phone. He hung up and threw it on the sofa in frustration.
"What's up?" I asked, confused at his sudden anger.
"Nothing!" He said, angrily, dropping onto the sofa.
"Come on, tell me." I glanced around and saw that Kay's door was closed.
"It's just.... Nah, forget about it." Justin replied.
"No, tell me!" I persisted.
"Fine, Scooter called and said that I have to date Selena Gomez as a publicity stunt. I said no, I couldn't do that to Kay, not after what Kyle did." He sighed and ran his hand through his hair.
I was shocked. Why would they force him to do that? It's unfair on him!
"That's messed up! But it was gunna happen at some point." I said. Scooter had tried getting Justin with other girls before but he always refused. He wanted to like the girl, rather then fake date.
Kay PoV
I was just about to go and see the boys when I heard them talking.
"Scooter wants me to date Selena Gomez." I shut my door as quietly as I could. I was heartbroken. I thought he liked me? Obviously not. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. I wiped them away furiously. I wouldn't let this show. Luckily, the bus was stopped. We had arrived in Phoenix.
"Hey, we're here!" Justin said, leaning on the door frame.
I ignored him, pushing passed him. I quickly walked/ran off the bus.
Karen was stood waiting for us.
"I'm off to explore the city." I said, bluntly. Justin and Cody walked over to us.
"What's wrong?" Justin asked.
"Lead on." I mumbled under my breath, neither of them heard.
"What?" Justin asked, concerned.
"See you tonight." I walked off towards the exit gate. More tears had slipped out my eyes.
I got to a random street and just walked and walked, not looking back. After about 20 minutes of walking, my stomach started complaining. I saw this small diner. It was empty so I went in.
"What can I get you?" The cashier asked.
"Um, I'll have a cheese burger and a chocolate milkshake, please."
"That'll be $13.50,please." She said sweetly.
I fumbled with the clasp of my purse and handed her $20.
"Keep the change" I mumbled.
Justin PoV
Kay blanked me and walked out into the city. Weird.
"Right, photo shoot this morning, then vocals and rehearsal. Got it?" Karen told us.
I followed Cody into his dressing room.
"What's wrong with Kay?" I asked Cody, flopping down onto the big sofa.
"I don't know man, she gets like this y'know, girl stuff." He replied, looking quite awkward.
"Oh, ok. Anyway," I said, quickly wanting to change the subject, "I'm gunna go call my Mom."
I walked down a corridor and found an empty room. I unlocked my phone and scrolled through the contacts. My thumb hesitated on "Kay<3" but I thought better of it and pressed "Mom".
"Hey, Mom, how are you?"
"Justin! Hi, I'm good, honey. How is tour?" She asked.
"It's ok, I guess. How's everything at home, Jazzy? Jaxon?"
"They're fine, they're fine." She said, dismissively. "Honey, I got a call from Scooter the other day, he said you refused to date Selena. Is this true?"
Here we go.
"Yes, Mom. I don't wanna be forced to date a girl. I wanna date a girl because I like her - love her even. Scooter said it would help her but she's talented enough and doesn't need my help. I'm sorry Mom." I felt as if I'd disappointed her.
"Sweetie, don't do it if you don't want to, ok?" She said, understandingly.
"Thanks, Mom, I'd better go actually, photo shoot to get to!"
"Bye, honey, love you!" She said.
"Love you too." I sighed and hung up the phone.
I couldn't stop thinking about Kay. About how she blanked me this morning and how she wouldn't make eye contact with anyone. I don't understand. Why was she angry? Did she hear me and Cody talking about Selena? Oh shit!
I grabbed my phone and quickly scrolled to "Kay<3". It started ringing.
Kay PoV
My mind kept slipping away back to the night with Kyle. I can't believe I thought I could be in a happy relationship after that. I was so hurt.
My phone started ringing, snapping me out of my thoughts.
The ID was "Justin Xo". I thought of declining but I couldn't bring myself to it.
"Hello?" I mumbled.
"Kay! Hi! Are you ok?" He practically yelled through the phone.
"Yeah. Why?" I was being as blunt as I could. I was so hurt that he was going to date Selena.
"I was worried. You blanked us all this morning! What's wrong?"
"Why don't you ask Selena?" I said and hung up the phone.
I don't know why I am so attached to him. We aren't dating, we don't even know each other that well. We just kissed. Even though it was the most real kiss I've ever had.
My phone was going mental so I turned it off.
I finished my food and decided to walk back to the stadium.
My note:
Short one, sorry!!
Thanks for reading,
Jodie xxx

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