92. I want you to be happy

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92. I want you to be happy.


Mike was sat at the D&D table, that was becoming to rickety to be used as much as it was used when the party were kids.

On the table sat two college letters. Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Indiana State University.

He wanted to stay close to Hawkins because El was staying in Hawkins due to her helping her aunt look after mama in her final days. Mike knew that El wanted to have her final moments with her mama.

The young woman who had his heart was laying down on the couch, looking over at him with her own 'heart eyes' that the party tease both her and Mike about.

Even though Mike was leaning towards ISU, because it will be closer to El, his dream was to go to MIT and make his family proud.

Whilst Mike was having an internal dilemma, El had shuffled off the couch and wrapped her arms around Mike's shoulders, and rested her head against the side of his.

"Why are you debating where to go?" El asked, running her fingers through his hair. "MIT is the best school you could go to!"

"What about you?" Mike asks, looking up at her. Her curl ridden hair looked more like an afro in this heat, even though she was sweaty, sticky from the sweat and the heat had started to drive her a little bit loopy - but even when she was acting like this, in this heat - she was still his favourite person in the world.

"I want you to be happy," El explained, pushing the Indiana State University letter away and pulling the MIT one closer to her boyfriend.

Mike sighed and picked up the college letter from the college of his dreams, and opened it. He scanned what was written on the piece of paper, and smiled. "I got in... I GOT IN!" He shouted, jumping about and hugging his girlfriend tightly.

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