100. I love you

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100. I love you.


Mike and El were on their own, walking through the fields of flowers. Each and every one they walked past, El had to touch, as each had a different texture and it fascinated her.

(This was before they realised that El suffers from Hay Fever, which she thought was a sickness that someone else could catch and refused to kiss or even hug Mike until someone explained. It was a difficult time for the couple as Mike battled against her.)

They weren't actually alone... the rest of the party was walking along the field further up, Lucas was giving Max a piggyback, Dustin was being chased by a wasp, and Will was fiddling with flowers.

"I'm so happy Hopper has started to let you out," Mike said, reaching over to - bravely - wrap his arm around her. It made sense for her to be intertwining herself with the sleepy town, so it wouldn't look weird when she started high school and instantly knew Mike 'Frogface' Wheeler and the rest of the 'nerds'.

"Me too," she smiled as Will slowed down to catch up with the couple.

All Will did was place the daisy chain crown onto El's head and then went to catch up the rest of the party.

Mike admired the crown on her head and smiled that she finally the crown that she deserved. "I love you," Mike said, blurting it out, and then stopping in his tracks when he realised what he had just said.

"Really?" She asks, looking at Mike with her 'heart eyes'. Mike nods meekly, not looking at her. She reached up to hold his face and make his eyes look at her. "I love you,"

El knew the definition of love, and when she answered Mike - his face brightened to show how happy he was, he was head over heels for El, and he was over the moon that she felt the same way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2018 ⏰

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100 Ways to Say 'I Love You' | Mileven 💕✅Where stories live. Discover now