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School was going on as the norm.

We wrote notes; we listened to lessons; we did some worksheets and/or classwork; we stressed over answers. It really was like any other school day.

But for some reason that day, there was something about Sean that had changed. That day, he didn't act like he usually did. He was more aggressive in some sense. He and Timothy weren't even talking as often throughout the entire free period. Sean just sat there in silence, reading another textbook.

I had watched this from the very first moment he arrived in school that day. I wanted to ask him about it but I hesitated. I repeatedly put myself in his shoes. If I were mad about something, I would prefer to have everyone not bother me for the rest of the day. I would want to be invisible and wished people didn't give me any sort of stares and whisper to each other the possible reasons why I was like that.

But Sean was my friend. He wasn't a random stranger I sit nearby to. He was a friend I had spent my time with a lot lately and if my friend was suffering, then I would do everything to help them feel at least like they're loved. I know that couldn't solved the problem but they needed a reminder that they don't have to go through things alone.

Which was why, during break, I waited for everyone to head out of the classroom first. It was easy for Eve to head without me because she had a meeting of the sort during that exact time. She was the captain for the netball team so go fish.

Sean had the same idea as I had, fortunately. He just sat there in his seat, his eyes fixated on his textbook. I tried not to stare at him worriedly but I could've sworn his eyes glittered—as if tears were about to fall from them any time soon.

I inhaled deep breaths repeatedly as I mustered up the courage to face him. Though, no words had escaped my mouth then. So instead of words, I stood up and stayed there awkwardly. I hesitated for a few more seconds before I approached Sean and gave him a warm hug. For, sometimes, we didn't need someone to tell us words or give us advises. Sometimes, all we needed was silence and a hug to know that someone was there for us.

After a few awkward pats on his back, I whispered before I left the classroom, "I'm your friend. Call me if you need anything. I'll be here for you."

Just like that, I left. I knew he needed his solitude so I left him there. If he really wanted me to stay, he would've grabbed my hand and told me to do so. But I could feel it in the vibes he had given out. He wanted to be alone. He longed to be alone. He needed a moment with himself.

And I gave him just that.

+ + +

The entire time during break, I only dreaded the moment I entered back in that classroom, where I would meet and see Sean again after that one awkward hug before I left him there.

I had no idea what came over me in that very second. I must have been crazy to have done that. And yet, it happened and I couldn't simply go back in time to change it now.

With each step drawing me closer to the classroom, I started to slow in my pace. I would rather dig a hole and bury my head in it than walk into that classroom where I would have to face Sean after that awkward hug. But it wasn't like I had any shovel with me at the moment. Besides, I was deep in the school building to actually be near any dirt.

Eventually, I had no choice but to walk in the classroom. I avoided all possible eye contact with Sean and walked quickly to my table and sat down, pretending to be looking for something in my backpack.

"Lily, there's something on your table," Eve said, pointing at a piece of paper nearly hidden by my enormous pencil case.

"Oh, thanks," I said in return, slowly reaching for the small piece of paper. It was folded into half and I leaned back on my chair to avoid Eve peeping on whatever was written inside.

Thanks for that, Lily.

I hadn't seen Sean's handwriting that often but who else would have written this and gave it to me? There were no other logical explanation for this.

Refolding back the paper, I stuffed it into my pencil case and breathed lightly. Secretly glancing over at Sean, I noticed he was still reading. But it was a different textbook this time. I didn't want to pry into his private life too much but I really wanted him to know that whatever he was dealing with, he could always share the burden with someone. At the same time, I believed he was strong enough to overcome it himself.

+ + +

I was thankful that today we didn't have any homework to do. I studied for thirty minutes before I finally decided it would be time for me to simply relax for that night. After all, it was only a Monday. I still had four other school days to go through with.

I laid down comfortably in my bed, flipping around often when the position got too sore. I scrolled through Instagram and switched from different apps here and there but nothing really seemed to keep me from being bored.

It was not until later when I suddenly received a call from someone when I was fully alerted once again. Without a second thought, I answered the call and sat up straight on my bed.

"Hello?" I shakily asked.

"Lily," he said softly on the other end.


"I know it's late but can we meet? It could be for a while, I don't care. I just want to see you right now," he said in an even softer voice from before.

Without taking in account that I could possibly get grounded from this, I agreed and told him where to meet before I ended the call and grabbed a nearby jacket. I wore a random hoodie I grabbed from the closet and threw over some leggings before I tiptoed out of the house to meet Sean.

+ + +

New Quenton was a little town which was located right next to a beach, which was why it wouldn't take long until we actually reached Pier 5, which I presumed was the middle pier between both our houses.

I never really liked the beach for countless of reasons but this was the only place I could think of in a time like this.

I saw a silhouette sitting by the pier as the waves continuously splashed against its wooden legs below it. I walked onto the pier and approached him, taking a seat next to him but minding the small gap between us so he would have space to breath at least.

"Hi Lily," he greeted in such a weak voice.

"Sean," I greeted back, unable to meet his eyes. I looked up instead and stared at the twinkling stars above us. "I know this is such a stupid question but I'll ask anyway—are you okay?"

I had no idea how Sean responded as my eyes were fixated on everything but him. However, there was a silence before his answer dawned, "No. I'm not."

I wasn't sure what else I could have said and done in that moment. Say, 'Oh? In that case, should we look for mermaids to get your mind off it?' If only school taught us things like how to properly comfort a friend.

I had no clue on what else I could've done so I closed in on the space between us and awkwardly looped my arms around his body, patting his back in a slow tempo. I wanted to say motivational words to make him feel okay but nothing escaped from those lips of mine, so I decided to leave it as it was.

It was the most awkward hug I had ever given out. However, it didn't matter. At least, not to Sean. He needed one—I could sense it. And since there was no one else to give it to him, I did the job.

We stayed like that for who knows how long. Long enough for me to hear the crashing of waves turn into a soft flow. Long enough for the bugs who made sounds at night to be awake. Long enough for the awkwardness to finally seep away.

There were no words needed in that very moment where time stayed still. What would words have done to change things? If I were to go back in time and say something—anything—what difference would it have made? If I had a chance to change something in that moment, I wouldn't. For, sometimes, actions spoke louder than words. And in your darkest hours, sometimes, all you really needed was just a hug from someone who was willing to be there for you.

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