Luke- My Asshole

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(y/n pov:)

Luke Hemmings, your husband for 3 years, always took your daughter and son to places you wouldn't allow them to go and told them not to tell you. But one day your little girl, Sadie, accidentally told you Luke took them to a place you didn't think they were old enough for. So, that night while you two were getting ready for bed you spoke up.


"Yeah, babe?"

"Did you happen to take the kids to Speed Zone, because you know how I feel about that place?"

"Um, no," he said, with slight hint in his tone showing he was lying.

"Luke, Sadie told me this morning that you took them somewhere I didn't allow them to go. And I know Sadie wouldn't lie about that, Luke."

"Okay, yes babe, I did but I didn't think you would get mad."

"Luke, I wouldn't be as mad but you lied to me, straight to my face!" I spoke, trying to keep my voice down, not to wake the kids.

"Come 'ere, baby," he trailed off, trying to hug me.

"No," I said pushing his hands away. "You can't just lie to me, hug me, then expect for me to be ok with it, Luke! I'm getting real tired of your shit lately!"

"I know, (y/n), I'm sorry. I shouldn't of lied to you and," he spoke coming closer to me, only for me to back away, "I know I shouldn't of took them there but," he trailed off.

Luke grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head against the wall and kissed my lips. I kissed back, hesitantly, only because I love Luke and even though he can be an asshole, he's my asshole.

Authors Note:

So I hoped you like my first one! This is the one I was talking about that made me want to start this book. So I thought that since it started it, it should be the first one!

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Thanks xx

{ cassie }

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