Chapter 11(:>)

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Hinata standing infront of the teachers in a line at the field where the class usually does their P.E,he was with other tired classmates who were complaining about how early it is, you see they knew they were going to go on a "field trip" with the class and it was going to be in the morning but they didn't know that they meant 3:00 A.M MORNING!

"Koro sensei why are we up so early?" Nagisa asked while stretching along with other classmates.

"Well my dear Nagisa-kun not a lot of people are up and running at this time so this is the perfect chance to do an assassination that involves much exposure to public which could be more effective so let's start now! Everybody line up while we go around Tokyo while you all do your Assassination attempt" Koro sensei explained.

"Not so fast, before we start Hinata has designed a weapon that could increase your chances of killing him.Thanks to Itona he was able to give us a sample to replicate and have it ready.Hinata and Itona will teach you the basics and are in charge understood?" Karasuma announced as everybody replied 'yes'.

They presented the weapon and everybody was excited to try it out.

"This is amazing nice one Hinata" Nagisa said while trying it out.

"Nice Itona this is might be our ticket to killing that octopus" Terasaka said while trying out the blade.

"Let's get this started" Maehara said.

It only took 30 minutes to explain,train and teach the class some moves and the functions of the device they got to balance on the gear fast due to their constant training they are now set.





They class screamed in anger as they saw what's infront of them.


"Why are we here I thought you said we would go on a fieldtrip around Tokyo" Sugaya said.

"Well we were but I realized there are actually a lot of people who are up and running about on this hour so why not do an assassination inside the school besides no one is here anyways and it's a Saturday" Koro sensei sweat dropped.

The students groaned but agreed to the idea everyone was now hiding and planting traps while Koro sensei was walking about in the corridors when his tentacle was suddenly shot by an arrow that was made by the rubber material he was in slight panic struggling to get free when in a quick motion something zoomed passed by him slicing off another tentacle,this time he was panicking when he saw the students zoom through the corridors with the device and Chiba and Hiyami blocking both corridors with their sniper at hand.

In a flash Koro sensei was gone and he was now cowering at a corner on the other side of the building.

"Huehuehue how scary" Koro sensei sobbed.

The other students smile in satisfaction about the situation earlier and got more motivated to try again.

It was now nearly 5 a.m so they decided to finally stop the Assassination after multiple tries,they are now outside of the school ready to head out.

"That was amazing" Nagisa said as he started packing up his Anti-3DMG into a special case.

"Yeah we've never gotten that far in harming Koro-sensei" Kayano added still keeping her gear practicing her aim with the bow and arrow.

"Indeed Hinata and Itona have contributed well, Goodjob" Koro sensei said.

Hinata smiled happy while Itona just nods his head.

"Let's head home now" Karasuma said.

Everyone started leaving either by using the gear to travel or by walking they all said their goodbyes and started walking away from the school building.

While walking home Hinata suddenly ran into Oikawa who was quite surprised seeing him early.

"Oh? What is this?Chibi-chan what are you doing out so early ? Hm?" Oikawa asked bending down to his height.

"Oh just out for a morning stroll,I'm going back to the headquarters anyway" Hinata lied.

"Oh? That's surprising in that case I'll join you then I just wanted to buy some sweets anyways"Oikawa said while chewing on his piece of candy.

They were both walking back to the headquarters when Hinata noticed someone following them Oikawa notices his uneasiness making him quite concerned when suddenly Oikawa was pinned to the wall making him groan in pain by a man who was quite chubby but he seemed well built.

"Hm you smile a lot it annoys me let's fix that shall we?" The man was about to hit Oikawa when he felt someone behind him he looked behind him only to see Hinata in his P.E uniform and a glimpse of his knife that was meant for killing Koro sensei.

"Eh? What a familiar uniform,hm you know I hate kids from your school especially a specific class you wouldn't happen to be apart of it would you?" the man asked.

"It's none of your business let him go" Hinata said trying to sound calm but he showed abit of nervousness.

"Well let's have a condition if you can give me a cut from this knife I will let you and your friend go" he said while holding a knife that was gleaming under the post lamp.

"Hinata!" Oikawa shouted trying to prevent Hinata from getting introuble he wouldn't want to get introuble for putting him and a 1st year in danger.

'That's a stupid idea if I agree I need Oikawa-san to get out of here first,If I just try and dodge everything and make a run for it he won't leave us alone,I need to prioritize his safety.What choice do I make here?'

"Let him go and I'll fight with you, yeah?"Hinata said knowing this man had something to do with class E so might as well finish the business.

"Fine" he said.

"Oikawa-san please tell Akaashi-san what happened and tell him not to worry and ask him to explain everything but as soon as you do promise me you won't tell anyone" Hinata said to Oikawa as fast as he can.

Something about Hinata made Oikawa listen to him as he ran away as fast as he can back to the headquarters he saw Akaashi about to go to the store when he finally caught up to him and dragged him to a corner.

"Oikawa-san what is it that you need?" Akaashi asked confused.

"I-it's about Chibi-chan" Oikawa said still trying to calm himself down.

"H-hinata?? What happened?" Akaashi asked worried about what could have happened to the short middle blocker.

Oikawa explained everything and this made Akaashi grab Oikawa's hand and bolt down the street searching for the said boy on the way Akaashi explained everything making Oikawa speechless about the information he heard it was too much to take in but he understood and kept his lips sealed to other people who are unaware of this.

They finally arrived at the street where Oikawa was when they were met with a scary sight that made them get chills.

The Little Assassin||Haikyuu x Assassination Classroom crossover||Where stories live. Discover now