Chapter 3 :)

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It was now P.E time and Hinata was told to change into a uniform he was given. The size was a bit too big for him, so he was given the same size Nagisa had.

"You alright there, Hinata?" Karasuma asked as he saw Hinata struggling to put on the outfit.

"Y-yes almost there..." Hinata struggled, looking like the outfit would rip any minute. Karasuma sighed, kneeling down a bit to help Hinata in his outfit, making the whole class and teachers silently squeal at how cute the sight is while Koro Sensei was taking pictures.

"Thank you, Karasuma-sensei!" Hinata bowed in gratitude.

"First activity, the class will be divided into 3 groups. You have to eliminate as much enemies as possible. The last team alive wins." Karasuma explained, getting the class excited.

They started picking leaders which ended up being Nagisa, Karma and Isogai. Hinata ended up being teamed with Isogai, being given a paintball gun and a rubber knife that was used to kill the yellow and tentacled creature.

3... 2... 1... *BEEP*

The three groups ran around their territory, trying to plan a strategy. One minute had passed and everyone started taking out one another until it reached down to half of all of the 3 teams' members.

Rio was looking out for people to eliminate when she saw a moving figure. She divided to just stab them with the knife when suddenly, she was shot at the back. She looks behind and finds Itona twirling the gun with his fingers. Karma was now left with Terasaka, while Nagisa was left with Sugino and surprisingly Isogai had Hinata and Itona with him. Karma decided to ambush Itona, locating the silver haired boy and went in for the kill. As he was running to them, he suddenly heard an announcement that Terasaka was out of the game and eliminated, Karma thinks Nagisa killed him. He didn't give much thought and managed to hit Itona and now he was going after Nagisa.

Nagisa was looking for Isogai as well as Sugino. As they were looking high and low, Sugino was shot in the back. Taking this chance, Nagisa looked for the source of the gunshot. Once he found it, he snuck to the trees and managed to kill Isogai and now his main target was to defeat Karma.

2 minutes had passed, Karma and Nagisa managed to meet at an open field where everyone could watch from a distance to see who would win the battle. As Nagisa and Karma were in the middle of an intense fight, they failed to notice the surroundings and mostly focused on each other. Nagisa managed to catch Karma in a flying triangle choke, which caught him off guard. But he was quick to manage his composure, then tackling and pinning Nagisa to the ground where he got a chance to grab a knife and eliminate Nagisa. The class watching from afar was in awe due to the intense fight they just watched. But Koro Sensei noticed something off, when suddenly...

"I haven't lost yet." And out of nowhere, an orange haired boy jumped and in a fast lighting speed, stabbed Karma. But Hinata didn't just stab the red haired boy once, Karma's uniform was covered in paint slices, marks. And it all happened before you could process what was happening.

The class was in shock, so was Karasuma and Koro Sensei and the fact that scared them the most,including Nagisa and Karma you can't sense his bloodlust at all but one glance at the short boy bloodlust was all you could see.

"How did I do?"Hinata was back to normal smiling.

"H-how did you do that?" Maehara said looking at the boy in disbelief.

"What do you mean I didn't run that fast did I ?" Hinata asked while cocking his head to the side earning a sweat drop from his classmates.

"Hehehehe nice job hinata looks like you do have what it takes" Karma said happy due to the fact he was actually defeated although his pride was abit hurt due to losing to a first year like Hinata who they all underestimated.

"A-ah you don't need to say that hehehehe it was nothing really hehe" Hinata was embarrassed while his other hand was rubbing the back of his head.

Karasuma stood still trying to process what happened within those seconds.

"Hehehe confused I see,well you see Hinata was running so fast that he slashes his Knife multiple times in each side when he runs around karma resulting to an effective attack and a lot of hits on his opponents this would come in handy in a real situation I'm impressed " Koro sensei explained.

They class stared at the first year in amazement some envy and respect they just couldn't believe this adorable short 1st year could do this much.

"Alright class let's get back we still need to go the main campus building for the assembly" Karasuma said.

As Hinata went to change the students gather around and talked to Ritsu.

"Hey ritsu do you have any info about Hinata?" Karma said still intrigued by the boy.

"Hey why do you want to know that isn't Koro Sensei our target and not that shrimp" Hayami said cocking her eyebrow.

"I just want to get to know him better that's all besides I want to play some tricks on him as well I won't let him get away with that victory" Karma said smiling sinisterly.

"Unfortunately I do not have much information about him but he is a high jumper and a fast runner and he is very competitive in everything" The purple haired girl replied.

"Everything huh?" Karma said whispering to himself.

After the rest of the class was done changing one of them approach Hinata.

"Hey Hinata I bet I could beat you in a race to the main campus" Nagisa said.

And that's when Hinata was so fired up he ran so fast that you could see the dust trail he left,not even 5 minutes Hinata already made it.

"Wow that's fast"

"He sure is competitive"

"Hey look he ran so fast that he left a path" the students said.

As Hinata ran and ran he didn't realize he already arrived and bumped into someone.

"Oh Asano senpai im so sorry" Hinata said bowing constantl.

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