Slacking; zion k

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A/N: know we just did a Zion imagine but we had this one for a while and never published it.

His hands roam your body, grazing and touching what was all too familiar for him.

"I'm gonna make you feel so good baby" he murmurs, raising his mouth from your relaxed body.

A strained moan escapes your lips as he kisses the tender skin above your collarbone.

It seems as the temperature in the room has dropped. As Zion moved his warm hands on your hot body. In the back of your mind, you vaguely remember Zion having something to do. But right now, as a gorgeous boy hovered over your body, it registered as a minor problem in your mind.

He pins your arms above your head, pressing his lips to yours. You smirk against his mouth, finally evoking that passion within him that hid in the back of his mind.

His hands travel from your hands to your waist.

Suddenly, a switch clicked in your mind and you remembered Zion had to go to the studio today.

Pushing him off of you gently, you sighed.

"Did I do something wrong baby?" He asked, a confused look covering his face.

You shake your head, knowing fully well Zion was not the problem. "You have rehearsals Z, you'll be late if we continue"

He laughs, moving closer toward you. "I really couldn't care less about what the studio has planned for me right now. I'm with my babygirl, so nothing else matters."

As sweet as it was, you knew you couldn't let Zion slack off. This was his career.

"Come on Z." You say, running your hands over his large shoulders. "You're already late baby"

"Alright alright I got you." He murmurs standing up and putting on a hat backwards.

He sits on his laptop for a few minutes, and you know if he does any longer he'll be late.

"Z." You say breathlessly.

He doesn't move.

"Zion." You say louder this time.

He taps his foot on the wooden floor, still unmoving.

"Caleb." You shout, causing him to turn and watch you.

Not even five seconds later, he turns back around mumbling. "That ain't my name"

You roll your eyes. You know what he wanted to hear, but if he heard it he would think it was okay to skip studio.

"Caleb Zion Kuwonu come on." You yell, getting more and more frustrated.

"Okay okay." He says quietly. "But only if you come with me today."

You shake your head, knowing that would only distract him, resulting in more rehearsal time than necessary.

He groans. "Come on, Brandon told me Charlotte was gonna be there. It'll be fun"

You stand, placing your hands on his cheeks. Him instantly wrapping arms around your waist. "I love you so much baby, and I'm so proud of you. But you need to work, it can't always be fun."

"I understand." He nods. "But what's my name?"


This one is kinda short

It's honestly kinda horrible and I'm sorry. Even after we finished editing this at 2:28 a.m.

Coincidentally Hello was playing while I was writing this.

I love when Edwin sings "You know" in that falsetto voice in Hello at the end of the pre chorus.

We gotta game for y'all, you goes gotta guess whether it's Jess or Jayda.

Who said this?: "Edwin is literally the cutest cutie. He out-cutes all the cuties out here"

Much love,

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