First Glance; zion k

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Pulling up at the concert venue, you passed your clammy hands over your ripped black jeans, in an effort to calm yourself down.

"Ladies this way please" a voice boomed beside you, a wrinkled hand  directing you through the large steel gates.

There, two men stood collecting tickets from the hands of eager teenagers, who were more than ready to hear their favourite band sing live.

"Next" the menacing voice of a ticket collector growls.

Handing the less than kind man my ticket, she drops it into a small box and goes to the next person in line.

The gate behind him swings open, and as you walk in, it closes just as fast. You knew you were ate, but the entire field in front of the stage is covered in teenage fans.

Moments later, the lights all go off as excitement bubbles inside you. This was Jack & Jack's tour. You had been big fans of them for years, but tonight you had shown up to see their opening band that your friend had been talking about for weeks.

You had heard a few of their songs, starting with Open Arms and an unreleased track called 10,000 hours. As much as you had tried to deny it, you found their music catchy and you admired the clear effort that was put into their rehearsal.

You recognized the opening bits to one of their songs called No More. The five guys ran out on stage, introducing themselves as Pretty Much. Five of them began their performance, but only the tall boy dreads stood out to you.

The concert was now over, but you couldn't help but notice that throughout Pretty Much's performance, Zion had pointed at you numerous times.

With a giddy smile and a concert tee in hand, you headed to the park lot that was across the road.

After a night of dancing, and screaming lyrics to no one in particular with your best friend. You were hungry, so naturally you stopped at the nearest Wendy's.

Upon entering, your attention was quickly drawn to a table in the corner full of rowdy boys. In a moment of awe, you were glued to the spot as you recognized them as Pretty Much, the band you had just seen in concert.

You scanned the table for a few seconds, and as if realizing you were being a stalker, you made your way to the ordering counter when a voice stopped you. "Hey, you're that chic from the concert right?"

Your eyes widened in shock, these boys knew who you were and you had no idea what to do.

You turned around as a small smile graced your face, your hand going up into a waving motion.

Edwin smiled. "So that's the girl you can't shut up about, huh Z" he said, a slight smirk evident.

"Why don't you come hang with us when you're done ordering" Austin said, winking at Zion.

"Yeah sure" you said, as you turned back towards the Wendy's worker.

You ordered the nuggets and fries, and returned to the table.

When you returned, you noticed something was different. There was an empty seat next to Nick, but on returning, the only available seat was next to Zion. You mentally shrugged it off, and sat next to Zion anyway.

"So what's your name?" Edwin asked you, getting up and sitting on the other seat at the side of you.


"Cool. Nice name" he replied. "So which song of ours did you like?"

You smiled, their music was good and you had an internal debate about this on the way there."Well I really like Open Arms but I really like the way you guys perform 10,000 hours"

"So you liked my high note then",Nick joked.

"And my dance moves" Edwin added.

Brandon suddenly interrupted your conversation. "Don't you guys think it's weird that Zion thinks she's cute and he hasn't said one word?"

Zion smiled, a small blush creeping on to his cheeks. "I'm just listening and observing"

You snort at that, knowing that he's clearly not the quiet type.

Edwin swings and arm aroynd your shoulder, in a platonic gesture "So y/n, which one of us is your favourite? Though I suggest not choosing Nick or Austin because they both have girls"

You knew that you would be giving yourself away if you outright said Zion, so you didn't. "When I first started watching you guys I was a Zion girl, but I think I'm swerving into Eggwin's lane now"

"Ha" Ed exclaimed, pointing a finger in Zion's face. "I'm finna steal your girl and she ain't even your girl yet"

Zion's face fell, as he got up and walked out the door.

Edwin got up as well. "Z you know I'm just kidding man"

He started walking after him, but you grabbed him back and ran after him yourself.

You walked outside and found him entering the tour bus.

"Yo Zion hold up",you yelled, running after him.

"Yeah y/n?" He said, stepping back on the sidewalk.

"I was just kidding back there, I really do think you're cute" you rushed, before he had the chance to interrupt.

He smirked devilishly, adjusting his hat on his head." I knew it. I wasn't falling for that Edwin shit for one second. I saw you in the crowd and I wanted to talk to you but you disappeared after the concert. I just wanted you to chase me so it would be easier to give you my number" ,he said handing you a neatly folded piece of paper.

Then with a quick wink, and a smile he went into the bus and your were left smiling on the pavement.

You waved at the guys and returned to your car. Once making the safe journey home, you realized you hadn't even gotten the food you paid for. You had gotten something much better.

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Later will be greater,


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