Twist, Bend and Broken

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I can't believe my entire existence as a fae finally she said yes. Well almost I mean she's in the age of marriage right now but I can't dragged her to me every time. She needs time first and oh I'm just so happy right now!  I could just explode like fireworks or drink and dance with my subjects all week long. How joyous this is, just few more years and I'll have my precious queen to rule by my side.

"Gerry !"

"Yes your majesty? " he bowed down to me twitching his piggy nose. He wore his little armor and look back up to my face. He was one of my trusted goblins.

"I want a feast to celebrate in honor of our future queen but this will remain as a secret only Goblins and close friends will attend! "

He jumped for joy thinking about food and alcohol mostly with the others.

"Yes your majesty! " he was skipping than running towards the others who spread out the news in the labyrinth. Of course everyone who attends the party we're inhabitants of the realm and goblins.

The party last for a week. I didn't even leave my castle but keep on partying and playing games with my subjects. Wooden mugs of liquor fly off the air, alcohol stench the place it was like the bog but who cares when you're having fun. The meals and dishes we're pouring in as they we're gobble up by the guest.

Hogwart, Ludo and Sir Didymus with his steed we're the guest of honor.

They we're shock first but I inform them about (Y/N) safety first not to brag about it outside the lands which they agree to shut they're mouths.

Cornelius did come he wasn't there to spoil it he just comes by when he heard the word party. He promised not to tell my parents about it too. I forgot about the reason of having this party. I haven't even visit my bride right after she answered me.



Everything was well. Grandmother Martha is having a huge discovery of we're they hid off Lisa's soul. It's only a matter of time before we could have it back. Gracie is still with my aunt and I was living with my God father for the time being.

Just as I thought we were fine and alright an unexpected occurrance brought up. Grandmother's alliance in the eastern part of our homeland was attacked and ambushed leaving countless dead soldiers and many are wounded only few survived the attack.

The muspels and ghouls have now made their moves for the past months of preparing we we're helpless.

If only I could control my powers then Grandmother wouldn't suffer so badly every time there's an attack. Just when after the attack a figure just poof up in from my mirror covered in blood. He was drenched in blood all over his even body and was badly wounded luckily I have manage to heal his wound up.

"Legolas! "

"What's going on (Y/N)? " my god father yelled across the room panicking.

"Oh dear cousin what happen? "

"I'll see things now I hope Martha's well. " he flew off and went inside the mirror. I was banned joining the battle for now surely I could just not kill anyone but this was to much.

I help my cousin elf to a near by room and clean him up after healing his wounds. His cuts we're deep but there isn't any cut I can't fix only dead is what stood apart.

He was fine but still weak. I was scare he was a great warrior, a fighter and a bloody prince if he'll die, King Thrandruil will surely kill me.

His mother was my aunt who was my real mother's sister. She died after a attack like this too when Legolas was little. He was breathing slow and small.

I'll Paint You, Mornings Of Gold (Labyrinth Fanfiction) P.S. Jareth×ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now