I Love You Poem

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I know that you don't know me.
I do not know you.
But that does not change the way I feel
- I feel great love for you.

I have never seen your face,
But this I know is true:
You are beautiful. You are loved.
With this I send a hug to you.

I may have never caught your eye,
I may live far away,
But I hope that this may reach your ear
And bring you some heyday.

Times are hard and fear lurks near.
People choose to hurt.
But never forget, my newfound friend
To never stay stuck in the dirt.

Life goes through its peaks and valleys
And while times may get tough,
Valleys lead to peaks again.
Happiness is yet to come.

Keep your chin held up, my friend,
For you are never alone.
I promise that if you look around,
Hope is yours to own.

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