Chapter 27

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~Mariah's P.O.V~

~3 Years Later~

"Mommy can I have a popsicle?"

"Yes Quinn, get your brother one too." Without another word he took off to the kitchen with Jordan right at his heels. "You ready to see daddy today?" I asked walking into the kitchen. "Yes! I wanna show him my room and all my toys." Quinn yelled with excitement. "Mommy I wanna stay here." Jordan said eating his blue popsicle. "Why? Don't you wanna see your daddy?" I smiled picking him up. "I don't know." He shrugged his shoulders. "Well daddy definitely wants to see you. How about we go out for ice cream later?"

"Ice cream!" He yelled squirming all over the place. "Let's go. Quinn lock the door for mommy." I watched as he grabbed his Spiderman bookbag and lock the door behind him. I quickly strapped them In their seats and hopped in the car.

I couldn't be anymore nervous right now. I know I see him a lot but this time he gets to come home. A lot has happened these past 3 years and honesty some things I'm just not proud of. Have I ever cheated? Yes. Will I do it again? No. Does Amari know? Yes. Does he trust me as much as before? No. We argued a few times but we seem to be on good terms right now.

"Mommy are we here?" Jordan asked looking out the window as I parked the car. "Yes baby, wake your brother up." He nodded his head and jumped right on Quinn giggling loudly. "Jordannnnn!" Quinn whined with a laugh. I opened the door and they both got out still messing with each other.

We entered the building and went straight to the front desk where a lady cop sat. "Hi, I'm here for Amari Santana." I smiled and she turned her attention to her computer. "He'll be right out. You can have a seat just over there." She pointed to some chairs lined up against the wall and I didn't hesitate to sit. It's like I'm always tired. Hopefully now that Mari's coming home I can have a break from working in that nursing home and focus on going to school. I'm not getting my hopes up though, our relationship is rocky right now and I don't know what to expect.

"Daaaddddyy!!!!!!!!!" Quinn yelled to the top of his lungs jumping off the chair. When I looked up, there he was. The guard released him from his handcuffs and he gave Quinn the biggest hug. I saw him shed a tear and quickly wipe it away. I stood up and wrapped my arms around him as tight as I could as Quinn was held right in between us. I gave him a kiss on the lips and saw him looking behind me. I turned to see Jordan still sitting in his chair. "Jordan come here." He slid off his chair and slowly walked closer without breaking his stare from Mari. He put Quinn down and knelt down so he was face to face with Jordan. "Jordan say hi to your daddy."

He stood there quietly staring at Amari. "Wassup lil man?" He smiled and scooped him up. "Hi." He said shyly with his head down. "I know I look a lil scruffy but you ain't gotta be scared." He laughed tickling him. Jordan squirmed around wildly laughing. "Ok, ready to take daddy home?" I asked Quinn who was holding on to my finger. "Yay! Come on daddy, I wanna show you my room and my toys." He smiled grabbing Mari's hand with his free hand.


"Ugh, you don't understand how good it feels to be home." He smiled walking out of the bathroom looking fresh and flopping down on the bed. "The house still looks good, I like what you've done to it." I smiled and curled up right against his chest. "So what do you wanna do tomorrow?" I asked as we laid in the dark. "I just wanna relax and spend time with my sons." He let out a heavy sigh and closed his eyes. "So we're still together right?" I asked curiously. "Mariah we'll talk about this another time. I just got home and I'm focused on my kids, it's bad enough Jordan doesn't even understand who I am." He wrapped his arm around me and pulled the covers over him. "I understand, goodnight Mari." I kissed his cheek and laid my head back down. "Goodnight Riah."

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