A Cry For Help

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~●Tears laced with cyanide flow through the cracks of a
Mirror shattered long ago.
And sure I'm the one
who swung the metal bat,
but me I can't control the urge.
No one's going to blame me for that
Impossible Impossible ●~


This was a bad idea..
I growled as I watched my hyper American friend, otherwise known as Alfred, dash about my basement in excitement. He picked at potion after potion, spell after spell, book after...well, he stayed away from the books. As he spun one of my wands around in his hand, the blue of his eyes seemed to sparkle, much like the object he was holding. "Dude how many of these do you have?? I thought one was all!" He said, rather loudly, as he turned to face me.

I rolled my eyes and snatched the wand from his hand. "I have as many as I need, now stop touching everything! I wanted help with cleaning, not making a bigger mess."

The blonde laughed. "Me? Make a mess? C'mon, I'm not that reckless!"

"Uh huh, you keep telling yourself that." Setting the wand down, I walked over to a small desk in the corner of the large open space, where there were many books and stranded pieces of paper scattered about. I stuffed most of the loose sheets of paper into one of the books and stuck it up on the shelf. Taking down a feather duster, I handed it to Alfred. "Here, start dusting the tables while I tidy up the book cases."

He sighed and threw his head back. "But that's so boooorrrinng...I want to do something fun!" I scoffed, but said nothing, continuing the clean up the pile of books in front of me, turning my back to the American. Alfred pouted and threw down the duster, picking up the wand he had previously found interest in. As he started fooling around with it, I picked up another book from the table. It was an older book, probably older than I was, and it was filled with ancient spells and forbidden magic. I smiled as I opened it, running my fingers over the ruff pages. The blonde noticed that I'd stopped and wandered across the room to peek over my shoulder. "Hey, what's that?" He asked, starting to read over the spell on the page I had open.

I let out a quiet, happy sigh. "It's an old spell book of mine. I haven't used it in years. Most of the magic is forbidden, or just far too unpredictable, so I had it put away. I don't remember putting it here."

Alfred smirked and chuckled quietly. "Oh really? Then what would happen if I did...THIS!" Stepping back he held the wand out straight in front of him and began reciting the old spell I was looking at.

"In latere antiqui virtutem meam, quam ego loquor ad te ingestae illisaeque mundos conturbátus. Usque ad finem erit dierum tenebris, ut vos nunquam iterum seorsum!"

Although half of the words were mispronounced, a bright flash of light filled the room, and a beam shot from the end of the wand. It narrowly missed my arm, ricocheting off of the floor and hitting the slightly cracked mirror I had hung up on the wall. Alfred's eyes widened when everything settled again, and he dropped the wand that had been in his palm. "Woah. What was that..?"

I looked over at the mirror, which now had a new crack down the side. "I-I don't know. I've never preformed that spell before, I'll have to translate it and figure out what it did.." I sighed and grabbed the wand from off of the ground. "Now, would you stop picking at everything? Please?"

"Alright alight fine! Geez, calm down. It doesn't even look like anything happened! What are you so worried about?"

I shook my head and looked down. "I don't know. I just don't want anything bad to happen. Cleaning up after you is never very fun."

Alfred laughed again and winked at me. "Nah, nothing bad 'll happen! I didn't even say it right!" He walked over and put an arm around my shoulder. "Relax Iggy, it's not like I opened a portal or anything! Why don't we go out for coffee or something?"

"But we're not-"

"Shh, we're going out for coffee." Before I could protest again, he pulled me out of the basement and up the stairs.

A minute later I found myself climbing into the front seat of Alfred's car and putting on my seat belt. He climbed in on the drivers side and buckled himself in, putting a hand up on the wheel. He turned his head towards me with a bright smile on his lips. That smile soon disappeared as he noticed the worried expression across my features "Hey, what's with that face?" He asked, putting the car in reverse.

I sighed and glanced over at him. "I should go back and translate that spell. What if it did do something..?"

The American smiled again. "Don't worry about it. It was probably nothing. Now, just forget about it. We're going to go out and have some fun instead of messing around in your basement!" He shot me a thumbs up after he spoke, and laughed again. "Alright, dude?"


I spent the rest of the day out with the blonde. After we..or he finished his coffee, we drove to the park and took a walk by the pond, just to pass the time. I suggested that we go back to my place and finish the cleaning that we had started earlier. So, after a couple minutes of debating, we headed back.

Once we had dusted and reorganized the entire space, Alfred bid me good night and headed home. I stayed in the basement, wandering over to the old book that I'd been looking at before. Opening it to the page with the spell that Alfred had cast, I sat down and pulled out a blank sheet of paper from the shelf, along with a pen, and began to translate the old Latin limerick. It took me a while, but eventually I got it figured out.

"...Troubled worlds...collide?" I said to myself out loud. "What's that supposed to mean?" Taking a glance around the room, my eyes landed on the broken mirror on the other wall. Sighing, I stood and stepped up to it, examining the newest addition to its shattered features. When I looked into it, expecting to see my own reflection, I instead saw someone different. I now had a new reflection. At first I was startled, and I jumped back, letting a small yelp escape my mouth.

I stared wide eyed at the reflection in the mirror, my breathing having sped up slightly. I blinked, standing still as this strange new reflection put its hand up on the broken glass. I began to calm down, and stepped closer to the mirror again, observing the others appearance. My new reflection had light blonde hair, that looked a lot more like a pink than a gold. Its eyes were a bright, but lifeless shade of blue, and it wore a light pink shirt under a slightly darker pink button up vest with a blue bow. It would've looked completely ordinary, if it wasn't covered in scratches and blood stains.

It stared back at me, the expression showing on its face proving it was just as surprised as I was. I saw its mouth begin to move, but I couldn't hear a word that it said. Stepping closer to the mirror, I turned my ear towards it, and I was able to make out two, small, faint words.


Heeey~ So, I went ahead and tried out this story. So far I've got two parts write and an almost two thousand word long set of notes.

This is going to take me a long time to write, so don't expect an update every couple days, because...idek how long each part will take and I apologize if the storyline is hard to follow...

Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed the first chapter~!

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