My own twisted love story

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I'm Mackenzie, or Kc. I only really go by Kc so don't call me Mackenzie. I'm in my senior year of highschool.

If you could see me, which you can't because this is a book, I have red hair, blue eyes, and I am very pale.

So if you haven't gotten it yet your I'm my life, as a spectator, or bystander. your just watching, but getting a inside look of my head. that sounds weird.

Your going to see how a new friend can save me from making the worst mistake of my life.

~first day of school~

"Mackenzie! wake up you need to get ready for school!" my mother yells from upstairs. My bedroom is in the basement.

"IT'S 'KC' MOM!"


I drag my body off of the mattress bringing my blankets with me. I pick them up off the floor then toss them back onto my bed. My brush is pull through my messy hair. I'm glad I straightened it last night.

I pull on my black skinny jeans and MCR tshirt. Then an A7x sweatshirt and my black doc martins.

I pull up the sleeves and get my multiple bracelets to put them on. Make up is applied, foundation, white eyeshadow, thick black eyeliner, mascara, then red lipstick. the usual. My shoulder bag that is hanging off the post of my bed is grabbed and I walk up the stairs.

"Hey beautiful, want some coffee?"

"Does that even need to be a question?"

"Here." my mom passes the mug to me and I see it has already been made to my liking, a little bit of creamer and three packs of sugar.

"Thank you. are you driving me or am I taking the bus?"

"I'm driving you."


After we eat our omelets we get in the car to drop me off at school.

~skip drive there~

"Bye sweety make good choices!"

"Yeah whatever mom bye."

I close the door and continue into hell, I mean highschool.

I see the usual groups, cheerleaders, jocks, nerds, wannabe cheerleaders, then my very small group the 'emos' as the more popular people call us. but really we are just the outcasts.

"KC!" My best friend Logan yells. I walk closer and get a very big hug from him.

"can't breathe..."i say in return.

"Oh sorry" and he releases me. When I get my oxygen back I say hi to everyone, jared, lili, karen, matt,and Jo. Like I said we are a small group.

"Kenzie, sorry, Kc did you see the new guy? He is smokin' hot!" Logan tells me. FYI Logan's gay.

"No I haven't." I giggle a little.

"Oh well, I will point him out at lunch."


Then the bell rings for homeroom. I have Mrs.Nelson. So I walk to the classroom.

"Alrighty, before we start to talk about our summers, we need to do roll." Then there is a knock on the door and she stops.

"Oh principle barrywood, what a pleasant surprise."

"Yes, um we have a new student and he is going to be in this homeroom. Come on in Drake." Right then the hottest guy I have ever seen walks in. He has blond hair to his fabulous cheek bones, green looking eyes and pale skin. he is wearing a pink Floyd shirt with dark jeans and combat boots.

Before he realizes I am staring with awe I look down to my desk and take out a pencil and paper and begin to draw.

"Okay now Drake, if you could take a seat, we were about to take roll. there's an empty seat next to Mackenzie."

Shit. did she just say my name. I look up and see drake walking towards me. She did say my name. Crap.

" Hi I'm drake." the most beautiful voice says. Wait is he talking to me. I look up to him and see his eyes staring right into mine.

"I-I'm Mackenzie, but call me Kc." I say as I turn my head away back to my drawing.

"Whatcha drawing, Kc?"

Why is he talking to me? I'm a nobody.

"Gerard way." I simply replie, still drawing.

"He's the lead singer in MCR, right?"

"Yes. you listen to MCR?"

"Yea, you listen to avenged sevenfold?"

"Oh yea."


"Mackenzie, Drake stop talking!" we turn to look at Mrs. Nelson.

"Sorry" we say in unison.

Through out homeroom, which was 30 mins long, I continued drawing but I could feel Drake staring at me.

RINGG, next class.

I take out my schedule to see who I have next. great math, with Mr.Godivich.

"Kc!" I hear from behind me and I stop and turn. I see Drake running towards me.


"Can you show me to my next class?"

"Fine what is it?"

"Mr.Godivich, uh, math"

"Same as me. Let's go."

The short walk to math was silent. In math Drake sat next to me, again.

After class drake asked me to show him around the school during nutrition.

"Okay. can I have your schedule, so I can take you to all your classes?"

"Yeah, here."

He hands me the piece of paper and I look at it. he has all the same classes. wait a minute! this is my schedule, photo copied with my name crossed out!

"You have the exact same schedule as me."



"Guess your stuck with me!"

The rest our classes we just talked, random things really, music, art ect.

When the final bell rang, I Jumped up and rushed for the exit.

"Kc, wait up!"

"Hmm," I turn.

"Do you want to go out some time?" Drake asks.


"Do you want to go on a date, with me, sometime?"


Holy!! HE WANT TO GO OUT WITH ME!! wait till Logan hears about this!

My own twisted love storyWhere stories live. Discover now