Chapter 2

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I panicked.

I didn't know what to do with a dead body laying on the floor at my feet.

Most of people would call an ambulance or the police,maybe scream for help.

But with a dead phone and me being speechless, well , I couldn't really do that.

So,I did the first alternative that came to my mind.

I ducked.

You see when an arrow comes flying through a window,you except more from where that one came from.

I could hear voices coming from outside the witch's cabin.

The witch's cabin was a small,dim and dirty cottage;It had one window and an only door, which was the entrance.

The voices were starting to fade, so I walked up to the window and looked out.

I could see two silhouettes running away in the distance.

Cowards, I thought.


It wasn't really hard to find the first part of the Royal map.

As I looked around for it ,I thought of all that had happened to me in the last 4 hours.

My normal life had been torn apart in seconds.

When I finally found the map, well , the first part of it, I realized it should not have been that hard, after all, it was the only paper sitting on the witch's desk, I know, I am quite oblivious.

As I grabbed the piece of paper and read it,a wave of realization hit me.

There were fifteen parts of this map and I had fifteen days left and the first piece of this map.

That meant that,not only did I have to find a piece for day, but that I would have to drink The Elixir of Fire, whatever that meant, on the last day,meaning that I would have to find the fifteenth part AND the elixir on the fifteenth day.

Well,isn't life just amazing,


Anyway,the map was not understandable, at all!



If you have this and you are not one of the Royal families then I guess

you have convinced the first family to give you their part of the map

and you are looking for The Elixir of Fire.

If you want it, then you must figure out the next:

You shall go west and sail the course,

find your way, you must prevail.

Find what you seek in the darkest place,

and move on to be one step ahead.



The course? Course means river, but what river?

I was worried, not because I was most likely going to die,but because of the part that said

'and move on to be one step ahead'

One step ahead...

THAT must mean one step ahead of someone.

And if I will need to be ahead of someone that means that someone else wants the elixir.


I have made myself an enemy.


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