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   "Honey, why are you watching those?  They happened a long time ago..." My husband Lance asked me, I whipped the tears from my eyes.
   "You could of died out there... and I didn't do anything... I couldn't find you... if Hunk didn't risk himself... then you wouldn't be here... Lance... I am so sorry..." Lance grabbed my hands and kissed my forehead.
     "No need to be sorry, you know I love you, with all my heart. I hope you do too. Now, let give them their proper funerals now..." We looked at the five caskets that stood in front of us. After fighting a battle we won, Shiro had passed, at the end, then Allura... she couldn't handle all that had happened, me, Lance, and Lotor were the last Voltron survivors...
      "They will be hopefully remembered for their bravery, Coran, Hunk, Pidge, Shiro, and my dearest Allura, we loved you very much, you had done so much, in so little time..." Lotor said. He looked at Lance
      "Coran, thank you for keeping care of the ship, and when the paladins need it the most you were able to step in and get them distracted. You kept order of what the paladins did. Hunk, thank you for being an angel and a great Yellow Lion. Without you, most of those people wouldn't have survived and I wouldn't have lived. You were such a brave warrior even though you were quite skeptical at first, but you grew so much. Became a better Voltron paladin. I was so lucky to be next to you as a leg. You were also my bestest friend ever... I couldn't thank you more for everything you've done..." Lance announced and wiped a tear. He looked at me
      "Pidge, you were so smart, there was no doubt in that. You were always there for me when I had my doubts about something you were such a great friend. I always thought of you as my sister. The one I never had. Pidge, you and Hunk were so cute together as well, I wished you confessed sooner. You deserved more than what you had got to live for. It was an honor serving next to you as an arm. Shiro thank you for never ever giving up on me. You were a great leader, I could never compare! Always fighting, always surviving... your time came to an end... so fast, you didn't deserve to loose your arm. You didn't deserve to be lost in space, and you most definitely didn't deserve to be cloned. It was an honor to have you as our one and only leader. One that was irreplaceable! I wish you could of gotten what you deserved." I finished and looked at Lotor.
     "And Allura, my dearest, I loved you, you always fascinated me with your ways of doing things. You were quite beautiful, and you didn't deserve to loose your father. Twice. But you were lucky to know Coran, who was always there for you when others weren't. I know you had your thoughts about me at first, but you only made the team stronger. I am sorry you had to loose your planet. But you will forever be the best Altean who saved the world." Lotor started to cry a little. "It was an honor to serve next to you..." we all started to cry, it wasn't fair they had to die. We were all supposed to survive. But I guess everything is just, not what it seems. After this, we buried them, and went home, me and Lance invited Lotor, we sat and talked about what was going to happen next.
     "Here are some coffees, oh and orange juice for you Keith! There's some milk in the coffees and I know your lactose intolerant...." Lance set down the coffees and orange juice.
      "Thank you..." I smiled softly.
     "I put some thought into this, but I think I will stay in space, so I can keep an eye on everyone. If anything bad happens I can alert you guys." Lotor suggested.
      "Alone?" I asked
      "Oh I won't be alone, remember, we had the thing with Alluras memories? She will always be there." He smiled.
      "Okay, Lotor, please stay safe, we will stay on Earth then." Lance smiled.
       "Sounds good, thank you guys for having me." Lotor got up when he finished and left to go back to space. Me and Lance cleaned up and went to bed.
    In the middle of the night our daughter Link woke me up.
     "Papa? Are you okay?" She asked.
     "Link? Yeah, I am fine.... why?" I asked
     "I heard you talking down stairs with Lotor... and I heard about the funeral... oh and I found these." She put a bunch of little tapes on my bed.
       "What are these?" I picked one up. I saw the label 'Day 1 -Lance McClain-' I looked at her.
      "I dunno... but can we watch them?" Link smiled at me.
       "Um," I looked at the sleeping Lance next to me. "Sure." I got up, we went down stairs. We started to watch them. I remember watching the same thing earlier on my phone. I saw Hunk, Pidge, Coran, Allura, and Shiro, my eyes filled with tears...
      "Papa! It's you!" She smiled when we got to the one with the recording of us talking about the recording for our kids.
       "Yeah... that's me..."
        "Where were you guys? I wanna go there sometime!" Link hugged me and looked at me. "Can I?"
         "One day... but for now, let's stick with earth okay?"
         "Fine..." And for the rest of that night, we both fell asleep on the couch.

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