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The first thing I thought of when I gained consciousness was 'My back hurts'. This was for the following reasons:

When I woke up, I was in a horribly awkward position. I opened my eyes and realized why. I was in the living room, on the couch, tucked in Carson's arm. How clichè.

That's it, actually.

I turned my head towards Carson, watching his peaceful face, just as his eyes fluttered open.

"Morning, Angel. Done staring?" he asked with a smile that made my heart skip a beat. But his voice. Oh, his voice.

"I wasn't staring," I deadpanned. "Oh, shoot!"

"What?" Carson asked.

"My dad! If he sees this--"

"Calm down. He told me I could stay over as long as we didn't sleep in the same bed," he informed me with an aggravating wink. "And if I'm correct, this appears to be a couch."

I sighed. "Of course. I don't know why I was ever worried."

"Hey lovebirds, you're up!" my dad called as he strode into the room. "Which suit?" he asked, holding up a gray blazer and a navy blue blazer next to his crisp white shirt.

"Grey," I said easily, ignoring his first comment. "With a red tie."

"Thanks, sweetie," he said. "I have a favor to ask both of you. There's a business dinner tonight, and I think it would look good if I brought Ramona, my kids, and their dates. It shows partners of the firm that we're a close-knit family. Ramona, Noah, and Lacey have agreed. Will you come?"

"With who?" I asked, dreading the answer.

"Mr. Martin, I'd be honored to take Maya tonight," Carson said, giving me a side glance as if taunting me.

"Perfect! Maya? Please," my dad asked.

"Yeah, I'll go," I mumbled. "What time should I be ready?"

"Be ready at five thirty. Ramona, Noah, and Lacey will ride with me. Carson, would you mind taking my daughter in your car? I can't fit everyone."

"No problem."

"Thanks, kids!" he said, before leaving us to our own devices.

"Breakfast?" I asked.


I noticed Carson's arm had been around me the whole time, and I blushed as I got up. Carson obviously noticed because he started snickering at me as we walked into the kitchen. Noah was sitting at the table and looked up.

"Did he sleep over?"

I groaned. "Can we not?"

"Whoa, sorry, Grumpy."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed some milk and cereal. "What do you want?" I asked Carson.

He was about to reply when his phone buzzed. He glanced at the screen, his face showing irritation. "Actually, I should go. But I'll see you back here tonight."

"Okay, bye," I called as he rushed out the door.


One thing was for sure; Carson was becoming a big part of my life. He would be here any minute to pick me up for the event.

I gathered up my things and looked in the mirror one last time. I was wearing a blush pink halter neck dress with a keyhole and strips of black lace shaped like a V on the top. The plain bottom of the dress rested a few inches above my knee, and I matched it with a pair of plain black pumps. I had a black flowered watch on my wrist, a pair of black crystal flower earrings, and finally, a black lace clutch. My eyes had subtle rosy shadows over them, and my lashes looked elongated. My lips were painted an elegant nude, and my hair was down in loose, sweeping curls.

I took my black trench coat, putting it on as I walked down the stairs. Just as I sat down with my brother and dad, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," Noah said, getting up to open the door. The only reason he would do that is if there was someone he was hoping would be on the other side. A minute later, he walked back in with a disappointed look on his face. "It's Carson."

"Well, it's nice to see you too, man," Carson said, strolling in. I stood up and his eyes landed on me. "Hey-- Wow. You look... really nice."

I blushed. "You look good too," I replied. And he did. He wore a black suit, with a pristine white shirt and black tie.

The doorbell rang again, and this time I hurried past Carson (who smirked at me, of course) to open the door. I plastered a smile on my face and took a deep breath before facing the innocent looking blonde. "Hi, Lacey."

Her hair was piled on top of her head in a somehow messy-but-neat bun. Her gray coat obstructed my view of her dress, but her eyes looked darker than usual, and her lips were a bronze color. Her gold hoop earrings matched the bangle on her wrist. She stood on black shoes with a strap across the toes and a strap around the ankle.

"Hey," she said, giving me a once-over and walking past me dismissively. I scoffed. What kinds of crap was Brooke telling her little cousin about me?

I shut the door and returned to the living room, where Lacey had removed her coat. Her dress was dark green and form-fitting, with thin straps at the top, and it was covered with lace the same color. She was delightfully chatting with everyone else as if nothing just happened.

I just rolled my eyes. "Are we ready to go?" I asked.

Apparently, the answer was yes because everyone put on their coats and walked outside to the car they were going in. My dad was going to pick Ramona up on the way there.

It was autumn, and the sky was already starting to become shadowy. The air was cold and refreshing as it blew fallen leaves around the street. The scene of an empty street, streetlights glowing like huge matchsticks, would've been eerily beautiful--if there weren't a big family trying to pile into their cars.

Before I could get to Carson's car door, he opened it for me, smirking when I blushed. I noticed I'd been doing that a lot lately.

And it was all because of a certain not-so-bad boy.


Hello friends! Ugh, I hate school. I've been trying to catch up with work I missed and I haven't updated in forever and pretty much I hate high school. There's like, one person I can actually stand to be around. -_-

Vote and comment, as usual. I love hearing your thoughts about my writing! 

QOTD: Do you have any predictions for what will happen further in the story?

I love you guys, mwah! xx

- Seagull

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