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"That's awfully protective of you, Cassius. You don't even act like this with any woman since mom passed away." He blurts out, and once he realizes what he just revealed a hand goes over his mouth, i stand there shocked, fidgeting with my fingers.

The only thing that crossed my mind was if he hates women so much, why is he protective of me like his brother says.

Once those toxic words escaped from Jax's mouth, there came a evil glare from Cassius.

"Shut up." Cassius says clearly in a bad state of mind.

I gulp nervously and look away, as Jax looks worried.

"I'm sorry that came out wrong." He apologizes, pleading to him and Cassius in response shuns him.

"Mm. I'll be going now." He says grabbing the file out his hand, and I hear a female voice in the background.

"You're already leaving when your favorite sister is arriving?" I hear the woman say in a upset tone.

What the actual hell, where are all of these siblings coming from? Honestly...

Cassius has a somewhat smile on his face, and i can already tell how close they are to one another.

"Not anymore." He says while the woman walks passed me, softly smiling at me.

She walks towards him and wraps her arms around his waist in a hug, then she begins pulling away and walks over to embrace Jax.

"I missed you guys, but i'm back in New York." She reveals to them and Jax seems super excited. She soon turns to face me and smiles at me widely.

"Hello, who is this beautiful girl?" She smiles nicely at me, causing me to smile back.

"Right?" Jax agrees and Cassius looks at both of them, squinting his eyes.

"I'm Evelyn, I work for Cassius as his assistant." I smile and she puts her hand out and I shake it gently.

"I'm Autumn Dillinger, their younger and only sister." She smiles at me and blurts out "If you didn't say you worked for him, I would've thought you were his girlfriend that he never had. Cassius, why are you making such a beautiful girl as your assistant."

"Oh." I laugh awkwardly, and she closes her mouth.

"Sorry, it's just you guys look really good next to each other. I couldn't help it, and also when i walked in Cassius had his hand on you... He doesn't touch people." Autumn reveals shockingly and I stand there stunned.

"Enough.." He pleads and she raises her hand.

"Sorry... Well anyways it was a pleasure meeting you, I hope I see you soon.. and Cassius, please don't screw up." She says and he clicks his tongue grabbing me, pushing me out the door softly.

"Screw what up? Say your peace, Evelyn." He confirms to me and I smile at her, as her and Jax give me a soft smile.

"Call me!" I hear Jax exclaim flirtatiously, and Cassius clicks his tongue in annoyance.

"She won't be calling you." Cassius says and I wave shyly.

"Rude ass." I hear Jax mumble and Autumn begins talking to him as we begin to walk away.

"Why are they so amiable to you.." He mutters as he presses the button leading us into a small elevator.

"They're so friendly and nice.." I blurt out, smiling a bit as I reminisce how sweet his sister is.

"Again, you're gullible." He shakes his head causing me to roll my eyes slightly.

"Are you close with Autumn?" I ask out of curiosity and he turns around facing me.

"I guess you can say that." He answers slowly thinking about it still.

"What about, Jax?" I question to him slightly and he laughs at my question.

When I said he laughed, he wasn't laughing with me, he was laughing at my lame of a question.

"God, you're lucky you're pretty." He blurts out calmly with a blank expression on his face and I try to keep a calm collected face, meanwhile comprehend what happened.

Did Cassius Dillinger just call me, Evelyn Rose pretty? This guy is hilarious, although my hearts beating, make it stop. Act cool.

I think to myself and take a deep breath in, "So no?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"He's my fraternal twin. Use your brain, what do you think?" He tempts me and I catch on quickly.

"I'm supposing you're extremely close with him." I tilt my head waiting for the right or wrong answer.

He nods, and I smile. "And Axel?" I add on curiously and he shakes his head.

"No." He says quickly to get it over with and I frown.

"Why?" I ask curiously, and he shakes his head once again disapprovingly.

"Stop talking so much." He says putting a finger up to my mouth, and I slap it away softly.

"I'll talk as much as I would like to." I shake my head and the elevator floor opens swiftly.

"See how long that lasts for." He says annoyed and he walks out the elevator, grumpily.

I follow along as the door is opened for us at the exit, I smile at the man and Cassius walks right passed him.

As I roll my eyes, the famous SUV drives up to the sidewalk and we get in quickly.

I sit far in the seat near the window and he sits close to me, I watch carefully as he pulls up the divider from us and the driver.

Oh great, not this again...

"Why do you ask me such personal questions when you know I give in with you?" He pleads to me, finally showing me his soft side.

"What are you saying?" I ask confused and he snaps back into it.

"I mean, stop trying to bring out the soft side of me." He confesses and i tilt my head.

"Was it working?" I ask and he rolls his eyes.

"..." I hear a silent gulp and he clicks his tongue.

"Look, I've known you for a month and i can't stand you." He confesses once again and i gulp.

"Thanks?"  I pout looking down sadly.

"Because you act too familiar to someone I lost. At first I didn't want to believe it but Jax pointed it out. Then when he called you beautiful, I felt jealous. You're making things confusing for me.." He finally confesses to me and I open my mouth, shocked with the words i'm hearing out of a man who'd i thought i'd never hear these words from.

What is he saying.. My heart is pounding and i'm extremely tied in a knot now.

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