(XXIX) Balance

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Ethan x Reader [Edited]

(Y/N)'s POV

"I'm sorry." I said, my head looking down. You see, I just recently sided with Kronos. My life is shit. My parents hate me. I ran away because the favored my younger sister. She's my half sister, so she's not a half blood. 

I was with my boyfriend, Ethan, and just told him the news. He's the only one who kept me sane and alive all these years. If he wasn't with me, I would've been long gone. When I looked up, I thought I would see him mad at me or sad. 

Instead, he was smiling. I raised my eyebrow, confused. "You know, I was going to say the same thing." He said. I was shocked. "What!? Seriously? I thought you'd be mad or something." I was sooooo confused. 

"I gave up my eye to have balance in this world. It hasn't happened, and now it's time for revenge for the gods treating us like shit." I jumped in his arms and kissed him.

3 Years Later

It was the Battle of Manhattan. With every slice, we were injuring or killing demigods. It didn't feel right, hurting innocent people, but it's revenge to the gods. 

Walking up to Olympus, Ethan holding me, we traveled up the elevator. Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Thalia were up there, ready to fight us. I got my sword ready. We charged at them. Me against Thalia and Ethan against Annabeth and Grover, while Luke/Kronos battles Percy.

"C'mon guys. You can fight this. Kronos will only create distruction to this world. There will be no life, no balance. Help us." Annabeth yelled.

Ethan and I looked at each other, shocked. We didn't think of this. We nodded and brought up our swords, only to turn around and swing at Kronos. Because he swam in the River Styx, we flew back from the impact, falling off the building. I screamed, Ethan holding me close.

"We didn't die in vain. There will be balance. I love you, (Y/N)" 

That was the last thing I heard.

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