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I didn't go anywhere on Friday and our internet was down. Sorry.

"I'm Matthew's older brother. I'm here to pick him up." Francis told the receptionist that morning. Gilbert tagged along behind him, trying not to stand out too much.
"His brother was in yesterday and said he was picking him up at twelve."
"Alfred doesn't think he can make it so I'm picking him up instead."
"Are you sure you want to do this? He really needs surgery. This has been an issue for a while and if it goes on much longer he could die."
"We just can't afford it." Francis said sombrely. "But we'll save up the money and get his surgery as soon as possible."
"If you insist." The receptionist typed away at the computer. "The doctor wrote him a prescription for inhalers. He should have it. It'll keep him going for a while, but don't procrastinate on the surgery for too long."
"Thank you."
Francis and Gilbert walked through the halls to Matthew's room, finding the patient in a wheelchair by the window. He looked so lost and sad there. Gilbert wanted to give him a hug.
He looked up, smiling softly at Francis and Gil. "Hey."
"We're breaking you out. Do you have your prescription and clothes?"
"They're on the dresser." Matthew pointed.
"I'll get that stuff. Francis, push Matthew to the car."
"You never told me the plan." Matthew pursed his lips.
"I will in the car. Let's go."
Francis wheeled Matthew out of the room, the hospital, and then to the car, Gilbert right behind him with the grocery store bag of clothes in his hand.
Gil helped Matthew into the car while Francis took the wheelchair away.
Gilbert hopped into the driver's seat and Francis into the passenger's.
"So...the plan?"
"You're going to stay with me until you turn eighteen. After that he can't touch you."
"Oh..." Matthew swallowed.
"Is that alright? We can find another option. Where were you staying before?"
"I was staying in a motel." Matthew stated. "But it wasn't the...sleeping arrangements that concern me."
"What's the problem?"
"Why are you doing this?"
"You're a person, and you don't deserve to be hurt." Gilbert answered sincerely.
"He thinks your cute." Francis smirked.
"Hey! No I don't! Well, you're super cute but that's not the reason I'm saving you." Gilbert insisted.
Matthew giggled, "well, thank you. I'm grateful."
"You're welcome."
"So...what's gonna happen if I have another attack?"
"Well, when's your birthday? A few months?"
"Yeah. July First."
"Well, the inhalers should last you until then and then once you're eighteen..."
"But my family...They'll be called if I end up in the hospital again." Matthew was starting to get agitated.
"Not if you're married. Spouses always come first in the medical system." Francis offered.
"I'm not married though..."
"No but once you're eighteen you can get married without parental consent and then once your surgery is over, you can just divorce the other person."
"I'll marry you, if you want." Gilbert offered.
Matthew pursed his lips. "And the cost for the surgery?"
"We'll get it done in Canada."
"Oh. That sounds like a great idea. I already have duel citizenship so I wouldn't need to apply for a visa or anything." Matthew's eyes lit up. "Okay Gilbert, I'll marry you!"

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