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Gilbert woke in the morning to the smell of heaven. He rolled out of bed, running a hand through his hair. Matthew was gone, probably in the kitchen with the sounds of cooking.
Gil wandered out of his room, smiling at the sight of Matthew at the stove.
"Morning!" He greeted cheerfully, violet eyes lighting up.
"What are you cooking?" Gilbert asked.
"Pancakes. They're my favourite."
"Shit. Mine too." Gilbert smiled.
"You, sir, have excellent taste." Matthew dropped a stack of pancakes in the middle of Gilbert's tiny, two person table, prideful of his accomplishment.
"I didn't buy pancake mix. Did you make these from scratch?"
"Wow. You're amazing."
"I even made a tiny one for Gilbird if he's allowed."
"Oh hell yeah!"
"You're so cute when you're excited." Matthew teased.
"I'm not cute! I'm devilishly handsome!"
"Not when you're talking aboot your bird."
"Settle down and eat your pancakes." Matthew dug into his breakfast after drowning it in half a bottle of maple syrup.
Gilbert watched him intently. He was so damn beautiful.
"Eat." Matthew commanded.
"Ja. Sorry." Gil dug into his food as well. The pancakes were the best he had ever eaten.
He looked back up at Matthew, at his messy hair and his glasses, which were sliding down his nose.
The strap of the white tank top he had borrowed from Gilbert was falling over his shoulder. He wanted to pick it up but he was too far away.
"We need to get you some proper clothes." He stated.
"I mean...it's not that you don't look good in my clothes...but you need something that fits."
"I don't think it'll be safe...going out. People are looking for me."
"Would shopping out of town be okay? Or maybe I could just buy clothes and bring them back for you? What did you wear after you ran away? Is there a place I can pick something up?"
"Uh...out of town should be fine..."
"Great! We can make a thing of it. I can invite some friends to come with us. I need new clothes anyway."
"Yeah. I can see that." Matthew picked at a hole in the seam of the sweatpants he was wearing.
"Nonsense. That hole it for masterbating through."
"It's not big enough. Also...gross..."
"I'm kidding!"
Matthew giggled, finishing off the last of his breakfast.
"When do you work today?"
"At five."
"When will you be home?"
"Not until really late. Just have dinner without me."
"Okay." Matthew nodded. "Hey, where do you work anyway."
"Just part time at a grocery store."
"Sounds like fun."
"It's not." Gilbert chuckled. "You want to play some video games?"
"Sure! Yeah!"
"Mario kart?"
"Fuck yeah!"
"I'm gonna make you eat my dust."
Gilbert laughed, taking Matthew's hands and pulling him toward the couch. He sat him down and got the game set up for them.
"I haven't played this in forever."
"Me neither. Nobody ever wants to play with me anymore."
"I'll play with you any time you want."
"You're a miracle. I'm so glad I met you."
"I'm glad we met too."

Book one:
Raya/Poison: hi I'm a background character who casually wears black rings on my middle finger

Book two:
Emerald; lol diamond I thought you were like Poison who is assumed at this point to not be straight based on this statement alone

Book three:
Raya/poison: hi I'm heavily asexual and I have to mention it in every line of dialogue fuck you. Also I'm a main character now just because.

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