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"Are you comfortable? Do you need another pillow or something?" Gilbert was practically tucking Matthew into bed.
"I'm fine, Gil." He insisted with a smile.
"Okay. Good. Do you want me to get you a water?"
"No thank you."
"Are you sure? I'm getting one for myself anyway."
"Alright. Fine. But only because you're getting one for yourself." Matthew smiled softly.
Gilbert nodded, turning on the lamp beside the bed.
"If you need anything else..."
"I'll call."
"Good." Gilbert was halfway across the bedroom when he halted. "You don't have a toothbrush."
"It's fine."
"No. Tomorrow I will buy you a toothbrush."
"You don't have to, honestly."
"Yes I do! Dental hygiene is important. You don't want to end up with cavities and massive dental bills. Trust me.
"Alright. Buy me a toothbrush. But nothing fancy."
"It's going to be electric. They're way better than manual."
"What are you? A dental hygienist?"
"No...but I should be..." Gilbert said. "I'd be a dentist and you'd be a doctor and we could make everybody's bodies healthy together."
Matthew frowned. "I can't become a doctor."
"Why not?"
"I couldn't afford it."
"Hey...can I ask...shouldn't you be in school."
"It's nine pm."
"I mean...shouldn't you still be attending?"
"I graduated early. I wanted to get out as soon as possible so I took extra courses and got all the credits I need."
"That's impressive." Gilbert whistled.
"I was desperate..."
"Well, I'll help you out any way that I can, I hope you know that."
"I still don't understand it." Matthew pursed his lips. "How can you be so nice?"
"Look, you can pay me back later if you feel indebted to me or something. I don't care either way. I just don't want to see you go down a bad path over something you can't control."
"I still can't believe that's the reason. Nobody is that nice for no reason."
"I have my reasons. But they're kind of personal. Maybe I'll tell you sometime."
"I won't pry."
"Thanks." Gilbert smiled at Matthew. Why was he so perfect? How did a diamond come from that coal?
"Now go get my water, servant!" Matthew clapped. "I want it fresh from the tap!"
"Yes master!" Gilbert saluted but the dorky grin on his face took the sincerity from his statement.
He left the room after turning off the main light, feeling airy and warm. His face was hot and his hands were clammy. He didn't understand what all this meant. Was he getting sick?
Toni had coughed on him a few days ago.
He grabbed two cups from the cupboard, setting one on the counter and holding the other under the tap to fill it.
Once both glasses were filled enough to last the night but not so much that they would spill when he carried them, he made his way back to the room.
He opened his mouth to announce his arrival, but halted when he saw Matthew.
He was all tuckered out already, sleeping heavily. Gil set both glasses on the night stand and then removed Matthew's glasses, setting them on the same stand. He smiled at how gentle this person looked, soft and angelic. He kissed the top of his head, turning out the light. "Sleep well, liebe."

This is the first fic that's taken place mostly in America so bear with me. I don't think it's safe to drink tap water there but meh maybe they're immune to the chemicals that make you gay.
Clearly they're not.
Thanks for the gay tap water illuminati Senpai!

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