Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Other Fanfiction stories who inspired me to make my own story of Annabeth at Goo

I don't own PJO. And the names I chose? All random...

Annabeth's POV

I was excited to move back into Manhattan. I would be closer to camp, thank gods, closer to Olympus where I was continuing my job as the official architect of Olympus and best of all, I would get to see Percy again. I hadn't seen him e camp a few weeks ago, but I already missed him like crazy. i was also extremely happy to get away from this guy at my old school, Jimmy, who always tried to hit on me, flirt with me, kiss me, anything annoying that would get my attention. I kept telling him that I already had a boyfriend, but he was relentless. So GOOD BYE JIMMY!!!

I was so excited to start school. Where? Goode High school of course! Where Percy goes! But I haven't told him yet. It was our third year of high school so I was wondering how he fit in, how I would fit in. I did tell Percy's parents though, Sally and Paul. They were so excited that I would be moving back to New York and that I would be attending the same school as their son. Sally treated me like a daughter and she was like my second, no wait, third mom. I also talked to Paul a few weeks ago and he changed my schedule up a bit so I had all of my classes with Percy, except for our elective, and that our lockers were next to each other. I couldn't wait to see him. So when my alarm clock buzzed at 6:00, I was up and out of bed, ready to take a nice soothing hot shower. I then changed into my clothes, dark skinny jeans, a silvery grey quarter sleeve slowly tank top that was gathered at my waist and my matching grey ballet flats. I also put on my owl earrings that my dad had gotten me for a present a while back and I let my curly blond ringlets fall over my shoulders. I also strapped my knife to my hip, not bothering to cover it up seeing as the mist would cover it.

"Annabeth!" My dad yelled, wow, he's up already, "Bobby, Matthew! Breakfast is ready." Bobby and Matthew, my younger twin brothers, younger OBNOXIOUS twin brothers came running down the hall, almost knocking me on my butt, to devour the bacon and eggs my dad had cooked up.

"Annabeth? You ready for school?" My father asked.

"Yeah, a little nervous, but excited to see Percy again." I felt closer to my dad lately. I realized that, after he started to make a better effort at becoming a better dad, he was actually easy to talk to. Easier than my mom, Athena at least. With her, I couldn't even mention Percy and our relationship without her almost wanting to incinerate him. At first, after the Titan war last summer, they started to get on better terms, but then something happened, I think it involved owls, but Percy got on mother's bad side, again. What will I do with him, I think to myself sighing.

"Ok dad, I got to go, I don't want to be late." I said as I grabbed my bag and walked out the door. Goode High School was close enough that I didn't need to take my car, a red convertible Porche, so I just walked. I enjoyed the fresh air anyway. I walked into the office where I saw a small skinny lady, maybe in her early thirties, reading a magazine at a desk with a name tag Ms. Clate.

"Excuse me? Ms. Clate?" I asked, not really wanting to interrupt her reading time.

"Oh, hello. May I help you?"

"Yes, I'm new here. My name is Annabeth Chase."

"Oh yes, Annabeth. Paul has notified me of your arrival. Here is your schedule and locker info. Your tour guide should be here by now, she'll be out in the hall. Right through those doors." Ms. Clate said while pointing at a set of double doors leading out into what looks like a hallway full of lockers and other high school students.

"Thank you."

"No problem."

I walked out to see a girl who was my age. She had straight blond hair, blue eyes, and she was a little shorter than me. She didn't wear make up like some of the other girls I have seen so far who had WAY to much make up on and she had a dark pair of skinny jeans with a pink shirt.

"Hi I'm Annabeth Chase, I'm new here. Are you going to be my tour guide today?"

"Yup. Nice to meet you Annabeth, I'm Lindsey. So where are you from?"

"I'm from California." I said.

"California? And you fit the description... never mind!" Ok, that was weird. "So, what's your locker number?"

I looked at one of the slips of paper Ms. Clate handed me. "Locker 431."

"Ooooh, that's next to mine and, lucky you, the captain of the swim team!"

"Uh ok," I said a little confused.

"Oh, you'll hear about him everywhere. He's the most popular guy at school, and the hottest, but don't tell my boyfriend that. Ever since he came to Goode, he helped the swim team win every swim meet. We are currently in first. He is also one of my best friends here at school. I'll introduce him to you later when we see him. But he is off limits. You see he already has this mysterious girlfriend. All of the girls, the single girls, try to throw themselves at him, but he just calmly explains that he has a girlfriend. They normally back off for a while, but this one girl, Bella, she is relentless. She is like... a stalker! It's really creepy. After a while of him brushing everyone off, we, the gang and I, all started to believe that she wasn't real. That she was just a cover up to keep all of the girls away, since we never see her."

"Oh, why not?"

"Because she lives out of state. They met at some clinic or camp or something and only meet during the summers."

It couldn't be him. Could it? Captain of the swim team yeah. Girlfriend? yeah. Summer camp? I think it is him. Lindsey leads me to our lockers. I empty all of my books into it, except for the ones i need for my first few classes then close the door, waiting for Lindsey. She stood up and got ready to go to our first class, since we had all of our classes together, including our elective, Architecture, but stopped when she saw a group of 4 boys and 2 girls walking down the hall, everyone making way for them as they were some kind of celebrities.

I saw Lindsey smile, "Here they come. I'll introduce you." But I didn't hear her. I was staring at the boy who seemed to be leading the rest of the group down the hall. He had raven black hair, tan skin. So tan that you could tell he spends a lot of time at the beach, he was a little over 6' tall, and best of all, the thing that made me fall for him originally, his sea green eyes that you can easily get lost in. It was my boyfriend, Percy Jackson.

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