Chapter 11

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Finally, what some of you have been waiting for...

Annabeth's POV

I thought my life was pretty complete. The threat of Kronos was demolished. I had a boyfriend who just happened to be one of my best friends. I made my mother, my real mother, proud. I was the architect of Olympus (I was taking a break from that) I was have gotten 100% or more in every class of my life. But I never relized it was missing a game of Truth or Dare.

Wednesday and Thursday came and went. nothing eventful happened except for a pair of dracnae that came and visited Percy and me on our walk through the park after school the other day. They were so easy. I think we beat them in a records time. Anyways Friday came. I was really pumped for this party. Most of our friends could make it; Grover, Clarisse, Connor, Travis, Katie and Thalia. Only Chris couldn't because he was spending sometime with his family in Arizona.

"Dad? You downstairs?" I yelled from my room. I just finished my homework and was putting all of my books in my bag.

"Yeah. If Percy comes early, tell him I'm in the shower!"

"Ok Annabeth. I'll just send him up."

"Sure." I grabbed the outfit I was going to wear to the pre-party since I would be buying a new swimsuit anyway. Thalia had come over the night before and she helped me pick it out. I was going to where a shiny black quarter sleeve that was wide on the shoulders with pinkish red pants and pair of Sperrys. I also grabbed my owl earings and my Camp necklace which I almost always wore.

I ran to my bathroom and hopped in the shower. I got out, blow-dryed my hair and started to change.

"Annabeth?" I heard Percy's voice asking through the door.

"Once second Percy, let me finished changing." I pull on my shoes and open the door to my boyfriend laying across my bed. He was wearing a dark blue pair of skinny jeans, High-tops and a light blue t-shirt that complemented his eyes. And of course, his camp necklace. He was perfect.

"Hey Percy you look good!" I gave him a small peck on the lips.

"Wow Annabeth..." He said looking me over. "You look great!"

"Thanks. Should we get going? Aren't we going to meet the gang?" Over the past few days, I had really gotten to know Lindsey, Matt, Andrew and Hayley. They were all really nice and funny. They reminded me of some of mine and Percy's camp friends.

"No, they were going to be a little late since they hadn't eaten dinner yet so Lindsey gave me Bella's address. We'll just drive their, is that ok?"

"Of course, let's go, I don't want to be late."

He smiled at my enthusiasm, "Somone's a little excited!"

"Of course, I haven't seen Thalia in ages! The rest of our friends too!"

"Yeah I miss them..." Percy said, remembering all of the fun times we had after the Titan War, , picnicking training...

"Well, the longer we sit here, the longer we'll have to wait to see them!" I said, pulling him up.

"Ok, once sec. You should quickly Iris Message Thals, they are carpooling and she doesn't know where the club is." He tossed me a drachma.

"Ok see you in a minute." I watched him walk out. I ran to the bathroom, turned the faucet on and grabbed my little crystal that helped make rainbows.

"Oh Iris, goddess of the Rainbow, accept my offering. Show me Thalia."

An image of Thalia in the Zeus cabin at Camp showed up. She was ng her other black boot.

"Hey Thalia!" I called.

"Annabeth!" She said turning around. "Hey! I'm so psyched for this party!" We talked for a minute, but I gave her the address and swung my hand through the message and ran downstairs, out the door and to Percy's car. I climbed in and we drove off to Bella Steens house. I was so ready for a party...

I don't own PJO. I say this every time, but I'm sorry it's short. There you go!

Annabeth at Goode High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now