Melody's Mate #8

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Melody's POV

"Get in there hybrid" The rouge said. They put me in a cell.

Blair how is the pup?

You mean pups


You're having twins

Omg. Twins. Noah will be so happy. "Well well if it isn't the famous Melody" I heard and I went on a protective mode.

"I see you are expecting" He said and I growled.

"Easy there mama bear" He said.

"Who are you" I asked.

"Oh where are my manners. I'm Steel. Your mate" He said.

"My mate is Noah" I said.

"Ah that is were you are wrong" He said and I growled.

Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months and five months passed by and no sign of Noah. My stomach was growing. They fed me and treated me good. Compared to the others prisoners. The twins started kicking. "Easy there kids" I said.

"Awe already want to meet their father" Steel said. I glared at him.

"In two weeks I will mate with you and mark you" He said. I snarled at him.

Easy there Melody.

But this asshole.

Yes I know but think of the pups

I sighed. I rolled into a ball in the corner and I stayed there until the day arrived. "Wake up hybrid" The rouge said. I snarled at him.

He brought me to Steers bedroom. "Hello Melody. Glad you could join me" He said.

I walked in and the door shut behind me. He kissed me. He wanted to deepen the kiss. But I didn't. He growled. "If you don't open your mouth. Your kids will pay the price" He said. I opened my mouth. He slid his tongue. I wanted to vomit. Suddenly the ground shook

"STEEL WE ARE UNDER ATTACK" They said. He growled. I took off running and I made it outside. It was a battlefield. I shifted into my angel form and I flew off. Looking for Noah.

"LUNA" I heard. I look down to see the twins. I fly down and I hug them. "Missed you idiots" I said. They laughed. Then rouges circled around us and the twins build a wall around me.

"DON'T TOUCH MY LUNA" I heard. I turn to find Noah. I run to him and I hug him. Not caring we are in the middle of battlefield.

"I missed you so much" He said.

"So did the pups" I said.

"Pups?" He said.

"I'm having twins" I said. He smiled.


"Melody belongs to me" He growled. They fought and I tried to help Noah but the twins held me back.

"Easy there Luna. Don't want to get the pups hurt or you" Aiden said.

"For once he's right" Oliver said. I didn't want Noah getting hurt because of me. Then all of sudden my parents started fighting Noah. What two against one. Not fair. I noticed something in Steel hands. The mind control.

"Oliver. Aiden. Go help Noah" I said.

"But Luna" Aiden said.

"NOW" I said using my Luna voice. They obeyed and I went after Steel. He's done enough damage to my family.

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