Melody's Mate #17

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Noah's POV

"WAKE YOUR ASS UP" Oliver yelled. I fell off the bed. I glared at Oliver.

"Hey you want to be late for your wedding. Go ahead" He said. I rushed to the bathroom. Today is the day I marry the love of my life. My mate, my Luna and the mother to our two adorable little twins.

"Hurry up. We are behind schedule" Aiden said.

"Chill guys. I'm the one getting married" I said while drying my hair.

"Here put your suit on" Blake said. I put it on.

"Damn I look good" I said. I sensed Melody calling for me. I picked my phone and called her. She picked up.

(Here is the conversation between Noah and Melody on the phone. What Melody says is written in bold and what Noah says is written in italic and the twins also say something and that is written in bold and italic)

You called me
Noah I'm nervous. What if I mess up. I don't want to ruin our day
Babe you won't. I have seen you take down rouges. Heck even me. This isn't nothing compared to what you have passed
But I'm still nervous Babe.
Baby. Melody. Listen you won't mess this up. I know you very well. Everybody is here cheering us on. Walk down the aisle with your head up. Saying I'm Melody Prince Daughter of Richard the Great and Melisende The hybrid that saved my pack and the world. I'm also the mother of two adorable little twins. And my mate is one sexy, hot, delicious-
I think I got the idea. Thanks babe. What would I do without you. Love you too.
See you in a couple hours Dadda
Dante and Damian my boys I'll see you soon. I love you

I hanged up. I smiled. I'm getting married. My father came in. "Ah I see you got my good looks" He joked and I chuckled.

"Son I'm very proud of you. You brought this pack up along with your family" He said. I teared up a little and I hugged him.

"Thanks dad. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you" I said. He patted my back and we broke the hug.

"Fellas let's get moving" Aiden said. I nodded. There was a limo waiting for us outside, we got in. I was starting to get nervous.

"Son calm down" Richard said. I nodded. The car came to a stop which meant we had arrived. The ceremony was about to start. I raced to the altar and waited. Then, the music started playing. There she was all in white. I cried when I saw her.

"Bro here are some tissues" Oliver said while handing me some tissues and I thanked him.

"Take good care of her" Leonardo said.

"I will" I said. We both walked to the altar.

"Who wants to say their vows first" The elder asked.

“I’ll go first" Melody said.

"Noah Forrest. The day I met you at school. One thing went through my mind. What is a full grown man doing at a high school" She said earning some laughs from the pack "I was scared you would turn out like my step parents. Who would say they loved me but just hit me and take their anger out on me. But, you proved me wrong. There are still people who love with all their heart. You gave me hope that there would be a tomorrow. You made me feel safe. Something I haven't felt in years. But, most of all you gave me a home. A purpose. You made me your Luna. I felt like I belonged somewhere. We have been through hell. I thank you for giving me two adorable little twins. Dante and Damian. I'm forever grateful to you. I love you Noah Forrest" She said with tears in her eyes and I wiped them.

"How am I suppose to beat that" I said and the pack laughed.

"Melody Prince. The reason why I was at your high school was because my wolf found our other half. The one we have been waiting for our entire lives. The moment I saw you. I fell in love with you. You could say it was love at first sight. The day you accepted me and Levi was the best day of our life. We thought that our mate wasn't out there. When you came, you gave us hope. You gave us the strength to fight for our pack and for you. The day we went to the doctor to find if you were pregnant or not. I was in doubt. If I was going to be a good father to our pups. When that jerk face took you. It killed me. I became cold. I didn't smile. Nothing. When we found you all I wanted was to hold you in my arms and never let go. When Dante and Damian were born. I was determined to be the best father they could ever ask for. But, then you went into a coma for a week I was lost without you. Now we are finally getting married. I couldn't ask for more. Melody you gave me everything I wanted. Melody Prince I love you" I said and Melody was in tears.

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