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Noah's POV

I'm an alpha, husband, father and uncle. What more can I ask for. My Dante and Damian are now 3 years old. They have grown so much and they are looking more like me each day and it scares Melody. Let's hope our future pup is more like her. Yes, she is pregnant again. I just couldn't keep my hands off her and she is due any day. We are expecting another boy. Melody was sad because she really wants a girl.

Stacy gave birth to triplets, all boys. She has her hands full. Oliver and Aiden are finally fathers. They couldn't be more happier. Blake is happy with Aubrey and Amelia. Everybody is finally happy.

"THOMAS, JONATHAN AND NICK" Stacy shouted. Her pups are trouble makers. Although they are two years old they can walk plus they have beta blood. They were running around and playing with my boys. All of them get along just fine.

"Let them honey. They are playing" Oliver said.

"But I'm worried. Rouges can come any minute" Stacy said.

"Baby we'll never let that happen" Aiden said seriously.

"Are we late" Blake said as he was carrying his daughter.

"No just in time" Melody smiled and went to hug Amelia. Blake let Aubrey down to play.

"Nobody better touch my princess got it?" He threatened and we just laughed.

"Blake the boys are related to your princess" Oliver said. Melody came and sat in my lap.

"Hehe how's the baby" I rub her belly.

"Good but the mommy is hungry "She smiled. The rest laughed. This is the life I always wanted. My mate and kids and my friends are happy as well.

I heard whimpering. We quickly turn to our pups. We see a rogue snarling at our pups. Dante and Damian are protecting the rest. Since they are older. I growl and shift into my wolf. I jump in front of the pups. The boys shift and stand by my side. The girls quickly get their pups.


"I came to finish what I started" The rouge said and he charges at me. I quickly dodge.

"Steel when you learn that Melody is mine " Ryder snarls. We kept fighting until I heard a scream.

"Don't do anything stupid or else your family dies" Steel said. My family was in rouge's hands and Melody couldn't shift because of the baby. Dante and Damian were growling at the rogue who had their mom and I growled too.

"Why don't you try picking a fight with someone your size" I heard and I turn to see my father-in-law
"You made my family suffer for far to long" He growled. Damian bit the rogue his hand and managed to get free. His brother did the same.

"Paw Paw" They said and Leonardo turned.

"And you even go after my grandkids. Oh now you have done it" He charged at him. Steel was caught off guard and Leonardo managed to hurt his stomach. I fought the rouge that had my wife. Her arms wrapped around me. Suddenly I feel something on my legs. I look down to see my boys. I kneeled down.

"You guys were brave out there. I'm proud " They nodded but cried. They stayed strong for their cousins sake. I hugged them.

"Go inside. Boys take care of mommy and your sibling" They nodded.
"Please come back to me" Melody said.

"Ill always come back to you" I said. I joined the fight alongside my boys.

"Lets make them pay for ruining our day and scaring our mates and pups" I growled. Ryder was beyond pissed and I let him take control.

"Now mutts. Let the fun begin" Ryder was attacking any rouges in his sight. He was pissed that they touched his mate and his pups. Once all the rouges were either dead or ran away. He gave me control.

"Is he dead" I said.

"He's dead son" Leonardo said.

"Thank you." I said and he nodded. Dante and Damian came running to me.

"Dada dada"they yelled.

"What's wrong" I said.

"Mommy. Baby" They said. Thats all it took I picked them up and raced to Melody. I could feel her pain.

"Alpha you can't go in" The nurse said and I growled. How dare they say I can't be with my Melody.

"Dada ish mommy otay" Dante asked.

"Dada ish mommy boo boo" Damian asked.

"Listen boys. Your mother is a strong women. She's going to be okay" I said. They nodded and I waited for a long time. Please be okay.

"Alpha you can go in" The doctor said. The boys raced to the room. There was Melody holding our pup.

"Meet our pups" She said. Wait did she say pups. As in more than one. I walk closer to see our two pups. A boy and a girl.

"Baby they are beautiful" I said.

"I was surprised as well. Looks like our little girl was hiding behind her brother" She said.

"What should name them" I asked.

"LUNA AND DAVID" she said.
"Those names are perfect" I said. I finally have my happy ending and I couldn't ask for more.

"My Mate" Melody said

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