Its not what it looks like

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"Allison"! beau grins and swings the door open.

"Hey beau" I smile at him

"What's going on" he says still smiling broadly

"Nothing actually" I laugh "is Luke home"?

"Yeah, he's upstairs im pretty sure"

"Thanks beau" after a minute if standing there I speak again "you gonna let me in? its freezing out here".

"Oh god, sorry" he laughs and lets me inside.

"Hey Al" I hear jai say from across the room.

"Hey yourself"

"We'll Allie, it was a joy hanging out with you for the past 3 minutes" says beau.

"Same here". I giggle

"Okay we'll see you later Allie". says jai

"Bye guys" I wave and walk upstairs

It dosent take a genius to find likes room. the one that has a sign reading 'Luke's Room'.

I knock three times fast. no reply, I push the door open and my heart drops to my stomach.

Once I've pushed the door open, I wish I hadn't because Luke is making out with a girl who is (a. not me. and (b. my so called best friend Elle.

"Luke"? I shriek

"Shit! Allison I swear it's not what it looks like"

"Wow that's original" I snap

"Allie please ju-" I cut him off mid-scentance

"I don't want to hear it luke"

"Elle you should get out of here" he says

"Bye" Elle whimpers and and bounds out of the bedroom, eyes glued to the floor"

"Allie" Luke turns his body towards mine and outs his hands on my shoulders.

I push his hands off "Luke, I can't believe you would do something like that" all my anger is out now I'm just sad.

I can feel hot tears welling up in my eyes "were done, finalised, over"


"Save it, save it for the next girl"

And with that I run out of the room, when I'm downstairs I hear beau and jai

"Yeah, I don't kn- Allison"! beau stands up "woah Allie are you okay"?

"No no I'm not" and I break down into tears. I didn't want to cry, not here at least.

"Uh jai you should, maybe um leave"

"Sure" jai picks up his laptop and walks upstairs.

"Allie what happend? I saw Elle before"

"L-l-Luke and elle" i finally manage

He dosent say anything at first, he pulls me into a right hug, I hesitate but hug back.

"Allison, listen to me. Luke is my brother, I've known him longer than you he can be a sick sometimes"

"That dosent change anything" I say

"I know, wait until you've calmed down, then respond to one of the 500 texts he sent you"

I laugh becuase I know he's right, and only then do I realise the position were sitting in I'm awkwardly sprawled out on the carpet.

He stands up and I follow.

"Come on I'll walk you home" he take my hand an I think to myself: take that Luke brooks.

Hello guys! End of cliffhanger one, but there plenty more on the way! - sparkles xx 💖

If i fall, will you catch me? (Luke brooks fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now