I want her to be mine!

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            Ahsia's POV

        Jahron texted and asked if he could come over, and I said yes. Am I moving to fast? Of course I wont let him do anything. The doorbell rang. I threw on my slippers and walked down the stairs. "Coming! " I yelled. I opened the door to see Jahron with a suprised face. "What?" "Your house is big as shit!" He came in and I showed him the way to the theater room. "What do you want to watch?" "Brick Mansions" That movie was about my hometown Detroit.

        "Want some popcorn?" He nodded. I went downstairs in the kitchen and put the popcorn in the microwave. A few minutes later the popcorn was done and I went back to the theater room. I handed Jahron the popcorn. "Sit on my lap Ma." I smiled, and sat on his lap. He lightly kissed my neck. I must admit, I liked it. Throughout the movie, he fed me popcorn. By the end of the movie, Jahron and I fell asleep. I wope up still on his lap and he was looking so cute asleep.

        "Jahron?" He opened his eyes slowly. "Why dont you come lay in bed, you fell asleep." He smiled, got up and followed me intro the room. He wrapped his arms around my waist and we went back to sleep.        

                        Jahron's POV

        I woke up in Ahsia's bed. I rolled over and looked. Ahsia wasnt there. I got up and put my shirt on and walked downstairs. Ahsia was in the kitchen cooking. "Goodmorning Jahron, how did you sleep?" I smiled and said "Good." She made me a plate and I ate. I must admit it was good. "I have to go to the Studio, Ill see you later today." She looked at me puzzled and said "Studio? You rap?" "Na ma, I sing." Her eyes widned, "Can I hear you sing please?" She looked at me with puppy dog eyes. "Come to the studio with me." She ran upstairs and put on a jogging suit and hopped in my whip.


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