Eagles and Angels

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Jessica stood in front of the printer as she waited for all the photos from the video to be copied

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Jessica stood in front of the printer as she waited for all the photos from the video to be copied. Lincoln came up behind her and placed his hand on her hip gently.

 "Are you OK?" he asked her noticing that she was unusually quiet.

 She turned her head to look at him for a split second before she turned back to the printer. 

"Yea I'm fine. I'm just really pissed off at Alyssa for how she treated us. It was like we were never best friends." Jessica ranted as she watched the pictures from Michael's phone print.

 Lincoln turned her around gently and lifted her chin so she was looking at him. 

"I know it can't be easy for her to have to pretend that you two weren't best friends since high school. But Jess she does have a job to do. And I would much rather her be on our side and helping us instead of being fired and we have no one on our side." Jessica nodded her head knowing that he made a lot of sense.

 She wrapped her arms around Lincoln's neck.

 "Thank you." she whispered to him.

 She turned back around and grabbed the pictures from the printer and they made their way over to Michael. Lincoln reached for one of the pictures and clipped it to the board. 

"What did we get from the pictures?" Michael asked them.

 "So far we just got a license plate. I'm trying out a new system where it takes all the blurs away." Jessica told him before she waddled back over to the desk she declared as hers.

 She listened as Bellick complained about not knowing the numbers on the plate or knowing how to break into the place they're suppose to break into. 

Jessica finally had enough. 

"You know what Bellick you wouldn't have made a good cop like you think you would. Half of detective work is figuring out the evidence. You lack the patience for it and it irritates me so bad." Jessica stated from chair.

 Lincoln gave her a stern look and she made a face at him before she went back to her computer.

 "Does anyone know what that symbol is? I need it blown up." Michael stated and Glenn raised his hand.

 "I'm already on it." he told them as he motioned for them to come over to his computer.

 Jessica stood up and leaned against Lincoln.

 "Is that Algeria?" she guessed not knowing for certain.

 "No its Turkey. We need to find out what Turkish consonant is in town. He may be our next card holder." Michael said as Glenn pulled it up online. 

Jessica watched as Lincoln stood on the other side of her and whispered something to Bellick and smacked his back.

 Jessica smirked to herself and looked back at the screen.

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