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i was shook when he kissed me then when he started riding me..it was all i wanted forever..no im not thinking straight..he hit my head pretty bad..that explains me..but nahmir i dont fucking know what scrambled his brain!

hes been a fucking dick calling me a fag!then hes the one over here dry humping my dick!

i clenched the back of my head i felt a migraine coming. i got up off the floor slowly then fell on the bed closest to me..it was nahmir's.

fuck it.

i touched a finger over my lips recalling his on mine..dayum im gay...i thought i could have a relationship wit a girl and just let my dick like boys..thats why i had the playboys..

i then felt this uncomfortable wetness in my shorts

i reached my hand in feeling what it was.


i came..he only dry humped me!

im sick...but also a virgin..well was..idk if you count that as losing it but..w.e..wait you dont count beating your meat so duhhh i still got my virginity :)

i got up slowly making my way to the bathroom.i looked in the mirror,blood ran down my neck and some stoped in my eyebrows  i had scratches everywhere...on my chest were nail marks digged into the top of my abs.

"this niggas a fucking sadist" i said to myself

then striping of my shorts and wet boxers showering.


i was sleep till i felt the bed dip. i groaned as a light hand touched my aching head.i popped my eyes open seeing nahmir in only the light from the tv.

"im sorry"...this mans bipolar... im calling it

"did you clean your cuts?" he asked flipping the covers off me revealing my boxers and socks as my swollen red chest being cold caused me to shiver.

"here" he said taking a wet napkin wiping my chest.i grabbed onto his wrist shaking my head no.

"you need to clean it..its only poroxide,baby"


he wiped the poroxide over it sloely i moved my hand to his for arm ocasinally squeasing it from pain.

"you really fucked up my shit" i told him

"i know..we gota find cover storys for coach..ill say i got hit in the lip witch a basketball...you just..ran into a poll from behinde.."he said laughinhg

his cute smile..i rarely see

"malak is gone?"

"yea..and trae"

"so whyd you take my playboys?"

"i was gone use em to expose you...but didnt.."

"why didnt you?" he strugged

"why do you always have a boner around me?" he asked a question back

"thats not how it works you anwser my question first an im not anwsering that.."

"then im not anwsering you.now sit up..not to fast.."

i sat up and he took a towel holding it below the gash pouring it on it leting he liquids drip into the towel.

"so your gay?"i asked

"bi-i think"he said i nodded.

"your gay?"he asked

"my dick jus likes boys..ive always liked girls..when i came here it just broke and liked boys"

"it likes me." he mumbled biting at his lip setting the stuff on the nightstand

i didnt say nothing.

he climbed over me getting in my bed

"uhm" i said looking at him

"im sleeping here" he growled pulling me in beware of my scratches


i woke up nahmir on my body his head in my neck

i sat up some his body followed and he hugged onto me tighter



"ugh get up"

"why we have nothing to do we can stay here like this all day"he said


"no" i said instantly regregreting it.

i was choked

"yes?" he noded his head at his own question as i complied squking out a yes.






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