The Rug Has Been Pulled

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PROLOGUE [I'm still sitting in the dark room, and feeling so much regret and guilt envelope me like a wave rushing over the rocks on the shore...I stand up and walk to the door, I hoped she would still be there but I see no trace of her ever being here...Was I dreaming? Or ... was that real?]

I walk out to see the Bugatti still parked in the spot where I left it when I went to the grave. The dirt wasn't moved or touched and the note was still under the smooth rock. All I could think now was that there was a betrayer and I would have to stop them before they could kill off another crew member. They HAD to be stopped...

*20 miles later*

In the Bugatti I start to have a feeling of something missing...I finally notice the necklace that usually hung from the mirror was not where it was left. I am truly going insane then! As I pull back into the safe house, I notice my black eye, just what I need for the crew not to worry about me! I step out and everyone is giving me the craziest looks, like I had been impaled or something...

I look down only to see my wound bleeding once again...

*20 long minutes later*

Back from the hospital for the second time in the month, I decide to make sure my stitches don't get ripped out from extreme physical activity. As I start to walk around the shop I can only contemplate who the betrayer could be. I fidget with my coin ring during the thought process that is going through my mind, I can only help but ask myself if what I saw was real because it seemed to be real. I could remember my thoughts during that time too... I can only think just about needing to avenge her.

I start to comply all of the information on the crew to my knowledge...I seem to know just about everyone's past lives except for Jordan and Nikki, they seem to be the two most shadiest people to our group of fighters. I take up my USB drive that I use for brute force hacking and I stealthily go to the two's computers in the common place of the safe house. I first plug into Jordan's computer and start the program on my flash drive, it opens up to the home screen and I grab my RAT file from my USB drive and start the program, and I quickly do the same to Nikki's laptop. I run back to my room in the safe house and pull out my tablet and check on the two RAT's I open up the information from Jordan's and see nothing of importance besides some free anime... Then I go onto Nikki's RAT and find files hidden in the command prompt and quickly they require a password to open them.

I pull my flash drive out once again and plug it into my tablet and I quickly open the files...They contain emails o f some sort to a John Smith. DAMMIT. I knew this was fucked once I knew there was hidden files in the command prompt, the easts usually go by the name John Smith when they try to stay unknown from the internet. I set my tablet down and grab a SMG from under my bed...Nikki's room is right next to mine. I take off my shoes and put three more pairs of socks on and I move closer to the door until the door rockets itself into me and throws me onto the wall... I throw it off of me and run out of the room into Nikki's but she isn't there along with a box for a Tactical Shotgun and a desk with all sorts of wires and explosive clay.

I run to the garage only to find black skid marks of where the red Ferrari was parked. I ran down the stairs and got into the purple Bugatti and gunned it out of the door to the shop. I slammed on it once I spotted the Ferrari abandoned and wrapped around a light pole. She was a horrible driver anyways. I hoped out and Sarah was standing next to the totaled Ferrari, looking more relaxed than I have ever seen her and so she quickly ran to my car as I could see an airplane about to take off from our airstrip.

I slammed onto the gas and chased after her while Sarah got a miniature RPG out of the backseat. She sat on the door and started to aim, but instead of shooting she decided to scream at me for a moment "KEEP THE FUCKING CAR STILL YOU DUMBASS!!!!" I couldn't help but to laugh and pull my M1911 out and pull the emergency break and shoot at the engine to the plane, as it hauled its heavy ass towards the car. Sarah shot at the front of the plane but the plane shifted into a stall as the shot went an inch from the base of the plane.


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