the setback

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PROLOUGE [So as the journey continues with the two Nikki and Jordan, they appear to stumble onto the easts after the bad cap busting that happened. They had been traveling miles now...they had the car chessed by the assholes in the bad place...they were continuing the journe slowly, but the heat was just about to be too much for the two. "WHY IN ALL OF HELL ARE WE WALIKNG THIS FAR JORDAN!?!"Nikki shouts hella loud at Jordan... "Well hell Nikki I'm not the one who left the keys in the fuckin car!!" now the two were experiencing some major hate built up from the bust in the east territory...]

And here I stand watching the two yell at each other while I try to get Sophie in for the recovery of the two screamers. I have seen them yell at each other for a while but I thought it would be best if the two let it go, and make them forgive themselves later... by this time Sophie gets to them "yo Jordan how many times have I got to tell your ass to get the fuckin shit quick, BEFORE they notice your ass is present!?!" Jordan now starts to get red in the face from the oppression of these two yelling at him. "Just get in the damn" car yells Sarah, I hadn't noticed her riding shotgun, probably cause the windows were so fuckin dark. I start to say over the radio that I had spotted another east car, but before I could tell them Sarah had already ran and pulled out the MG out of the back...

I start to put a new magazine into my rifle expecting more, as they usually travel in groups because they want to kill us all... Sarah just starts to get set up on a wall when I get the car into my sights they are hauling ass by this point in the car in which they have taken from Nikki and Jordan earlier. I start to scope in on the driver but I can tell these hits wouldn't get through the metal defenses we set up for this grab-and-go run. Right when I expect the guys couldn't get to cover fast enough I hear something loud..." WHERE IS THAT A FUCKIN PIANO MUSIC COMING FROM!?!" I see a motorcycle Fly and do a front flip, and at the same time takuma has his katanna in his hands and he throws it into the side window and he makes one swift move with the cord, it wraps itself around the drivers neck and decapitates him with a swift hand gesture. As takuma is flying his katanna retracts into its sheath and he grabs a hold of his handlebars of his Kawasaki ninja again. The car is now starting to flip towards him, and Sophie puts one deagle bullet into the gas tank and the car blasts goes into the opposite direction of them.

As is stops flipping here came two more cars a few blocks down from them and so Sarah takes the MG and starts putting caps in their direction, and takes out one of the drivers and hits the passenger of the second car. The radio starts to crackle and Boss is telling us to get the hell away from there because the heat is comin and we have a bigger situation back at the safe house. I quickly put a round through the second driver and the group got back onto the road and slammed on the gas and I could still hear the piano music blasting even louder now, I chuckled to myself for a moment before I threw my rifle onto my back and ran to my motorcycle that was under the rundown store I was shooting from.

Upon arriving back at the safe house I had started seeing more and more cares drive by than usual, as I pulled into the shop the rest of us were pulling out every gun we had and started loading some and were putting the rest into the back of the delicious purple Bugatti and the blazin fire red Ferrari. At the time I hadn't realized what to think yet because of the last screw up we had earlier...but now, Jesse(boss) was starting to get up his computers and radios and so I knew this couldn't be any good for the crew."We have been found", for once Jesse didn't seem to happy about this type of thing, he used to be more excited to have a chase down the block with the nice reinforced super autos...

I hopped into the big rig that held the two motorcycles and I found my lever for the special boom...we started revving our engines like it was a fun race, even if it was a fight or flight situation we were getting into everyone had gotten packed up quick and I knew it was now or never so I pulled out my m1911 and put one round into the chain that held the garage doors down, and they flew up like a rocket and I slammed onto the peddle and felt the unusual shift of the 18 wheeler driving out of the garage at full speed, engine had full ammo and the rest o the crew was at least 100 feet behind me right now. I saw a blockade set up by the east boys and I grabbed the leather handle and pulled it back and the rig shot the tank ammo right through the 10 cars and the east's were shooting but everything had been reinforced days before we had known they would go to this extent.

Jesse starts screaming through the radio to get us onto the highway fast, so I stomp on the gas and head right for the on ramp to the highway, the crew hadn't gotten out of the garage yet so when they did it was like bullets were being shot out of the garage and the east's got to some cars somehow cause I had seen them chasing after us, but only a few went into the shop to look for anything that could be of any importance to them.*click* the whole safe house exploded into nothingness.

Once all of the crew was onto the highway we started to have a little fun, but the group was messing around too much and I knew the east's could catch up to us at any moment if we gave them the option. So I thought up an idea and I thought it up quick; "we will have to make sure they can't chase us anymore..." as I said this over the radio the rest of us got in front of me, almost like they knew what I was going to do, strangely enough.

As we got closer to a curve I pulled the lever again this time, hitting another 18 wheeler and flipping it over, then Jesse shot the harpoon gun and pulled the end of the rig with us, almost like closing a door, and then he cut the rope releasing the rig from us. "Alright you guys, I think we have lost them" I said over the radio. Knowing we had a long ride ahead of us, I let go of the leaver and sat back in my seat, while Jesse was setting up his computer in the back of the 18 wheeler and Jordan sleeping because he did most of the work for the day as Nikki lost her car. I looked over to see Sarah and Nikki yelling at each other once again, and Takuma and Sophie chilling peacefully with some Sake, probably getting drunken, but who am I to judge for the way the day's events went.

*4am Eastern Standard Time*

"So, this is the place, eh?" "hell yes it is!" responds Jesse with a smirk, this place seemed to be about 10 times nicer than the last one, but who did I care, it at least meant I wouldn't be sleeping in a rig anymore and I could also have place to work in peace! Ever since Nikki and Sarah got something between them two they have been at each other's throats from an argument that only made things get bad in the shop. Since those days we have been not talking as much unless we found something interesting and we wanted the group to look at. We always talked about many things but never do we share too much personal stuff, we always seem to be quite chill around each other. Every time we would need advice we were there for each other.

It started getting later and later so I decided to step outside for a minute, it was dark but I didn't mind it, I had grown accustomed to it because of what I do best. i knew now would probably not be a good time to drink but I knew I just needed to have a dabble, just enough to wet my mouth with. *a few whiskey bottles later* "HOLY SHIT I AM DRU-UNK" everyone is looking at me as I walk back inside screaming and ranting on random shit...they threw me outside again... I couldn't see for shit and eventually feel asleep for a minute.

I wake up and look at my watch; it's still too early for light to come out but I still can't see that well, when suddenly I see a dark figure coming towards me...ever so slowly then they pounced on me with brass knuckles and started beating me right there I couldn't move any to keep the figure away and I couldn't yell because of the soundproof windows the safe house had; my friends couldn't help me any because they were unaware of the danger. Each punch with the brass knuckles felt like someone had a rough edged bat and was slamming it into my jawbone with each hit. Then when I thought things couldn't get any worse for me, I saw a blade shimmer in the light. The figure stopped for the moment and then took the blade and sunk it into my ribcage. By this point I was trying to scream but I couldn't; I think I got drugged or something...


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