The Head Of The Snake

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PROLOUGE [ Now Nikki ran from the crew, so before anything new was to happen we brought Sarah back to the safe house to be reunited will the crew. We all are sitting chatting about recent things with us and with all of us together even if Nikki wasn't here we could still have a good laugh about jokes we heard... the girls left, so it was just Jordan, Jesse, Takuma, and I sitting in the lounging area we all had our cigars and such drinks of our choice...we were all starting to try our luck at a good old throwing knife challenge... then it got to my turn...]

It seemed to get around to my chance at it when we became out of knives to use, I pull out my bowie knife but I was sure it is too heavy for it to be thrown without putting a hole in the wall... "Well ain't this just sweet..." I say it with a heavy heart when suddenly a cold hand slips a knife into my hand. I feel the curve like a crescent moon in a steel blade form. I look around but no sight of who placed it "mysteries are not mysteries without a finish I guess" I can say a few poetic words even if I am a brute of a person...

As I sit in my room in the darkness I can only look around my room...I look over to my nightstand and see a picture of the crew, everyone seemed to be happy with ourselves and each other... how could this kind of thing happen to our crew as I think to myself in the darkness of my room. I get up and move to the crisp door and walk out of it to my Rig, as I sit in it I can feel my soul like a rock in a river, being washed over like a sand paper on it... I can feel drowned by feelings of confusion, sadness, and disgust. I sit there looking around until my eyes close from being very tired.

My eyes open with a burst and I reach for my pistol as my arm is grabbed and pulling me out onto the concrete floor and a rifle is put in my face the rifleman cuffs me quickly and I become disarmed. I look around only to see everyone captured and then Nikki is looking at me and waves the gunman away for a moment before she slaps me across the cheek. I look at her with a face of laughter because of the weak hit, she quickly wipes the smile off of my face with a brass knuckled punch to the temple I hit the ground with a paralyzed feeling. The rifleman puts a black bag over my head and I struggle to move. I hear a loud army truck and everyone voice yelling at the men to stop pushing them the others as I listen, are being loaded onto the truck and as I cannot move they start kicking the shit out of my ribs to make me get up, but I can't...

Nikki finally yells at the man to throw me on the truck...she got what she wanted, my head hits the metal block keeping the back from the front of the truck. I am not paralyzed anymore, but I can't see anything, until Jordan helps me up and takes the bag off of my head. We all look around but my eyes are going crazy by this point, must have been drugged.

*20 long minutes later*

I wake up to see only a few of our crew in the big truck... Jordan starts to whisper in my ear "Jesse and Takuma have gotten shot...They started to reach for guns and they were capped in the chest twice..." I looked over to see both Sophie and Sarah with red eyes from tears...I feel my own feelings starting to show, I put my face in my hands and try to hide my drowning soul from the real world... I take look around the truck only to see the emptiness and a soldier for the easts; he keeps his rifle ready... I can tell he wants one of us to move so he can shoot us... I only stand until the truck stops and I hit my head again, "YOU MOTHERF..." I get cut off when he puts a 45 barrel to my temple and winks. I really wanted to see how far my foot could go up his ass at this point, HA; he would enjoy that, these stupid east's!

The truck stops and the soldier hops out, and we get offloaded into a apartment. The east's have everyone in one room, Then a man in a dark suit walks in he has on sun glasses until he takes them off and looks right into my eyes and whispers into my ears about how stupid our death was going to be and shit...Not like I'm going to listen to his ass talk about a beautiful death for me, like literally fuck that idea, because we give more mercy in killing them without all of the other bullshit.

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