Daddy | Jungkook

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Waking up the next morning, you're instantly hit with an almost paralysing pain between your legs.

Groaning, you attempt to roll onto your side, wincing as the pain grows stronger the more you move. 

"Hey... you okay?"  The clear concern in Jungkook's voice touches your heart, but doesn't ease your pain.

"No... It fucking hurts... A lot." You mumble, not wanting to snap at Jungkook and upset him when he doesn't deserve it.

  "From... yesterday?" He asks, sheepishly.  You love him but if he asks you another stupidly obvious question you're going to hit him. Hard. Taking a deep breath, you answer.

"Yes. From yesterday."  Recognising that you're not in the best of moods, Jungkook gets out of the bed.

"Don't move." He commands.

  "Couldn't if I wanted to!" You shout after him as he jogs out of his bedroom door. You can't believe how much pain you're in. You knew you'd be sore but this is ridiculous.

It's the kind of pain you feel when you're on your period; a deep, sore aching that seems to invade every part of your muscles and prevent them from being of any use. 

Because Jungkook left the door afar, you can hear faint conversation coming from the kitchen. You don't hear the whole thing but pretty much figure out what they're saying from the odd word you catch and whole sentences when people shout.

"- have -painkillers?"

"-cupboard, why? -Y/N -period?"


"-too hard? Wah~! Jeon Jeongguk is a man now!"

  "Our Kookie's all grown up!" 

"Shhhhhhh!!!!!!!! -angry -breakfast -cuddle" 

"Wah~ -really -man now~"  You hear Jungkook's distinct giggle and his footsteps as he comes back towards his room.

Upon entering the room he sees your clearly annoyed face. Cautiously, he comes towards you with a packet of painkillers and a glass of water.

"I got these for you... they should help a little bit, you have to eat first though so I'm going to make you breakfast in bed and then I can give you a massage and we can cuddle and you can relax all day.

Bang PD-nim said you can have the day off considering what happened last night...the longer he talks, the quieter he becomes, clearly becoming nervous under your piercing gaze. 

"You told them we had sex."


"-Rough sex." You interrupt him, raising an eyebrow at him and waiting for his reply. 

"Okay so clearly you heard the conversation we were having..."

"Not all of it. But I got the gist."

  "Well, I didn't technically tell them anything. Yoongi hyung asked if you were on your period and I said no and he then asked if I had "fucked you too hard" as a joke and I didn't know how to respond so he and Jimin hyung obviously worked out that that was the truth... so technically yes but I didn't mean to... I'm so sorry." To your surprise, he bows a full 90 degrees at you.  Your heart softens as you see that he really is sorry and didn't mean to expose your antics to two of his members.

"Come here." You say. He straightens himself and slowly walks over to the bed, sitting on the edge.

"Get in you idiot, I can't reach you from there." You laugh at how scared he seems. He shuffles up the bed and lays next to you on his side, facing you.

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