6 | lust

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Adam and Lawrence sat at the kitchen table, eating rubbery eggs and drinking weak coffee.

"You know, this is still better than the hospital food," Lawrence teased.

"Alright, I know I can't cook, you don't have to protect my feelings," Adam jokingly placed his hand over his heart. "Speaking of hospitals," Adam continued through bites of his food, "don't you have that appointment today?"

Lawrence silently looked up over his cup while slurping his coffee.

Reluctant to press the subject, Adam continued anyway, "You know...for your prosthetic?"

Lawrence made an exaggerated sigh after swallowing his drink, "Yep."

Adam could tell that Lawrence was uncomfortable about it. What he couldn't tell was why. Was he scared? Embarrassed? Both? Whatever it was, Adam wanted to be there for him, "What time is it at? I'll bring you—"

"My wife's taking me." He interjected.

Adam's heart sunk. He had always referenced her as Alison, not his wife. Adam wondered if it had something to do with last night. "Can I come anyway?"

Lawrence stopped, looking like he was actually considering it but then disappointed Adam, "No."

Before Adam could whine, Lawrence elaborated, "Alison wouldn't like that. I don't think she's too fond of you." He smiled flirtatiously.

Adam caught on and returned the face, "Ahhh, I see. She's jealous. I don't blame her; with my striking looks, anyone would peg me as the home-wrecker."

"I-it's not that," Lawrence's face grew red as he looked down. "She just—she finds you outrageously annoying." Lawrence paused. "She says your an 'entitled prick.'"

"Ah, so it's my good looks and my charming personality that she's afraid of."

A car horn sounded before Lawrence could poke more fun with Adam. "Speak of the devil," Lawrence cringed. Hopping onto his crutches, he said goodbye, "I'll be back sometime in the afternoon."

Adam was left alone at the table, but he only sat there for a few seconds before dashing downstairs and out to the sidewalk.

Adam tore open the door to Alison's back seat and plopped himself down just before they took off.

"Excuse me," Alison turned to face him and looked back at Larry through gritted teeth, "What is he doing?"

"He wanted to come," Lawrence defended himself. "I told him no but—"

"No, we talked about this—"

Adam intervened, "Woah woah woah. You guys had this conversation about me already? Beforehand?"

Lawrence and Alison stared at Adam dumbfounded, as if they'd forgotten he was back there.

"Why are you guys talking about me behind my back like I'm some troubled toddler. You're acting like I'm your kid."

Alison went to yell at Adam but he pointed at her, "No. Stop. Listen, lady. You wanted your soon-to-be ex husband out of the house and now he is—courtesy of me. So—" Adam's voice dripped with annoyance, "if I want to go to his doctor's appointments, I think that's fair enough, right?"

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