2 | safe

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The sun was just starting to peak over the trees lining the road that David was driving back down. Ron sat in the front passenger seat, visibly uncomfortable.

"Alright man, what's up," David said, cutting the bullshit. He was expecting another rude tangent about how this was his fault and that he probably doesn't even know where he is going. But much to David's surprise, Ron's voice was timid and heartfelt.

"I'm just—worried about Lawrence," Ron said, placing his hand over his forehead. "He's a good friend of mine."

"I can tell," David replied cooly, trying to keep the calm dynamic they now had going.

"I—I just," Ron fumbled his words. "How do we even know if this Adam character is real. I mean, hell, how do we even know this "room" is real. Lawrence was drugged and practically hysterical. We should be back at the hospital with him— not off searching for some make-believe-fairytale person."

David had to stop and think that over for a second, tapping on his steering wheel to fill the gaps in his thoughts. "No," he decided, "it's real alright. I mean, his foot's missing. How do you think that happened?"

Ron scoffed, turning his head and motioning wildly to the red stains in back of his car, "Oh really? Look how much blood he lost! You think he knows what he's talking about?" The doctor tapped his temples for emphasis, indicating that David wasn't using his head properly.

David did not appreciate the negative tone that was building, "He was lucid!" he yelled, waiting a few beats before speaking again. "I checked," he muttered, embarrassed at his outburst.

Ron was becoming increasingly sarcastic, "Oh! You checked! Well, isn't that wonderful. I mean, for a minute there I thought we had a better chance of finding big-foot than this Adam character. But oh, you checked. Now I'm sold, what a relief."

David had enough, "You know what man? Fuck off. I saved your friend. If it weren't for me, he'd be dead, so, I think a thank you would be nice."

Ron stared out the window, saying nothing. Finally he got impatient, "Yanno what, David. I think it's time we turn around. Head back to the hospital."

"No need," David replied smoothly, putting the car in park. "We're here."

They both exited the vehicle, David immediately making his way over to a small puddle of blood in the gravel. Ron was soon by his side. "This is where you found him?" he asked wearily.

"Yup," David popped his lips on the p to rub in his correctness. Looking across the parking lot, he saw a building and pointed at it, "This must be where the room is that your friend's talking about?"

David and Ron locked eyes, waiting for conformation from each other to advance. Ron nodded. This was it. They knew they needed to have each other's backs despite their differences. Making their way to the front door, David cautiously pressed it open.

"Oh my fucking god," Ron shivered at the sight before them. A large, thick, red line painted the cement all the way down the corridor.

Lawrence's blood.

It was everywhere.

Ron now knew with full confidence that David was right, and David was trying not to get a big head over it. "Well, follow the yellow brick road I guess?" He shrugged meekly.

"Oh, shut up," Ron slapped David lightly in the back of the head.

Slowly advancing, they made their way to the end of the blood trail and met a dead end. The bathroom door. Ron tried to pry it open. "Goddamnit!" he bellowed. "It's locked."

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