10 | chili's and kisses

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Adam and Lawrence sat on one side of the Chili's booth, staring in awkward silence across the table where Ron and David were sitting together on the other side.

David broke the quiet and piped up in a voice that was too happy to be taken seriously, "Well, isn't this fun, guys?"

As Adam and Lawrence shot David odd looks, Ron coughed and placed his hand over David's to shut him up. "Does everyone know what they want to eat?" Ron tried to ease the tension that was rising.

Lawrence, although being grateful to David, didn't know him very well, and didn't know how to react to Ron's complete denial of feelings for David when he was literally taking him on a date.

Adam didn't know David or Ron well enough to feel comfortable in this position. Also, Adam wasn't as stupid as everyone thought; he knew that this was a set up to get him and Lawrence to admit their love publicly, and he didn't appreciate being treated like an oblivious child.

Basically, this double date was a mess.

"Do they sell hard liquor here? Cause I could use some right about now," Adam complained.

"Adam, stop." Lawrence scolded him under his breath.

Adam wanted to make another smart ass remark, but a waitress arrived at their table. "Ready to order?" she impatiently droned.

All four men looked up to see her eyeing them disgustingly. She was mostly shooting daggers at Ron and David's intertwined fingers and the closeness of Adam and Lawrence's shoulders.

After receiving their food, Adam grumbled as he chewed, "Looks like someone's got a bad case of the homophobes."

"Right?" Ron scoffed. "I mean, this is 2018, people. Aren't we supposed to be showing off our pride?"  

It was in this instant that Adam remembered what Lacey had said to him about his photos.

"Keep trying to capture that perfect moment to tell the story you want to tell, and once you get it, come and show me."

Adam checked his watch.

7:00. A perfect sunset would be coming soon.

Adam let his fork clatter to his plate in realization as he stood up quickly. "Lawrence, let's go," Adam grabbed Lawrence's arm, pulling him out of the booth.

"Woah, slow down. Is something wrong?" Lawrence became concerned.

"No," Adam smiled widely. "The complete opposite. I'm having an epiphany about my photos! But we gotta go now!" Adam was tugging at Lawrence's arm like a child.

"Okay, okay," Lawrence laughed as he quickly followed Adam outside.

Running back quickly, Lawrence threw a ten dollar bill on the table. "Sorry guys," he apologized before running away again.

"We didn't even get dessert!" David whined.

"Rain check!" Lawrence called out before disappearing.


Adam and Lawrence stood on the rooftop and the colors started to paint themselves across the darkening sky. Lawrence stood against the parapet wall while Adam fiddled with the settings on his camera.

Once Adam was sure everything was perfect, he looked through the lense and instructed Lawrence, trying to place him in the perfect position.

"Move a little to the left," Adam waved his hand. "Sorry—my left—not your left. Okay that's good."

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