18 | change

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"Game over!"

A collection of loud laughters erupted as the man at the pool table had just been owned—as the cool kids call it.

As Adam and Lawrence sat at the bar sipping their drinks, they looked at each other simultaneously, thinking the same thing. The words sent chills down their spines, but they were buzzed enough to push it to the backs of their minds and enjoy their night.

"So how does it feel to finish your first ever script!" Bradley, their producer, walked up to the bar and put his arms around Adam's and Larry's shoulders.

"It feels pretty amazing." Adam smiled, sipping his beer lightly.

They'd finally finished writing for the biopic, and everyone involved was out for drinks to celebrate their finished product. It only took a few months as promised, but Adam and Lawrence weren't ready to part with L.A. They'd come to fall in love with it, and Bradley had become a good friend to them. They could see bits and pieces of Ron and David in him. It hurt them at times, but he was a nice man and they didn't mind working for him.

And the money.

God, the money.

Never in his wildest dreams did Adam see himself leaving his shit-hole apartment, but he finally did. Granite countertops, hardwood floors, and rooms with windows that took up almost an entire wall were all foreign concepts to him. Now they were home.

After a few weeks of work, Adam and Lawrence had went apartment hunting and found a place of their own, moving out of the apartment they'd first been set up with.

It's not that they didn't like it, but it was Bradley's taste, not theirs. And picking out their own place to live made it more personal to them. They wanted to play out that romantic notion of getting a place together and fighting over the stupid little things like what the light fixtures looked like and if they had a dishwasher or not.

Adam didn't know if it was the drinks, or the rowdy noises of the bar, or what Lawrence looked like in the dim lighting, but he was getting sentimental.

"You okay, big guy?" Bradley punched Adam lightly in the shoulder.

He'd been calling Adam big guy from the start, and it made him laugh because he was the smallest out of the three of them.

"Yeah, I'm good." Adam smiled.

"Have you guys been thinking about my offer? It still stands," Bradley chirped.

The offer. Bradley had told them that even after the script was written, they could stick around for production. Visit set, watch tapings, help direct.

Bradley wanted everything to be correct and authentic, and what better way to do it than have the real guys by your side?

He even went to the lengths of having the taping done in the actual bathroom. He said it would add a personal touch for the audience; just like how My Friend Dahmer was filmed in Dahmer's childhood home.

It was a great idea, but Adam and Lawrence just couldn't be there.

No way.

"We've been thinking," Lawrence answered. "We just don't think it's best. For our mental sake, we mean."

Bradley put his hands up. "I completely understand. I am a man of my word, and as I said the first night I spoke to Adam, I would never make you guys do something you're not comfortable with. Just know that you could also just partake in tapings that don't take place in the bathroom. Such as detective work and your guy's love sequence."

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