14 | double-crossed

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Adam and Lawrence were suited up and ready to go to the show. Adam felt like throwing up again, but tried to pay attention to the smooth texture of the limousine's leather seats under his fingertips. He had to hide his anxiety for Lawrence and his friends. Not that his friends were paying much attention to him anyway. They were too busy acting like children.

Ron and David made sure that they sat on separate ends on the limo. Ron was being grumpy ever since breakfast, and basically sat around with his arms crossed, not talking. David knew Ron's ego was too big, so he decided to be stubborn too.

Lawrence was sitting across from Adam and admiring him. "What?" Adam laughed at Lawrence when he caught him staring from the other side of the limo.

"I've just—never seen you in a suit before," Lawrence gestured. "I didn't expect you to look so hot in one."

Adam wriggled uncomfortably in the clothing. "I don't feel hot. This thing's uncomfortable as balls," he whined.

"Oh, come on, Adam. Don't be such a baby, it's just for a few more hours."

"Easy enough for you to say. You dress like you have a stick up your ass almost every day! And quite frankly, I don't know how you do it," Adam tugged at his collar.

"It's called professionalism—"

"Ladies!" Zachary interjected from a few seats away. "Whatever bunch your panties are in has to come undone now. You're going to be live on the telly in a few hours and I'm not paying you to bicker like an old married couple."

Adam took a deep breath. He still couldn't figure out how to handle the emotions stirring inside of him. He wasn't prepared to talk about what happened. He wasn't prepared to relive it.

"Mate? You alright?" Zachary raised a cautious brow at Adam.

Adam looked up from his trance, embarrassed. He needed to stop getting lost in his thoughts. "Yeah, yeah I'm good," he waved his hand.

"Great," Zachary smiled as the vehicle stopped next to a large studio. "Cause we're here!"


Adam, Lawrence, David, and Ron were led by Zachary to a large room that looked like it was made for conferences. A wide table sat in the middle surrounded with chairs, and on it were platters of  food and refreshments.

"So this is where the four of you will be waiting," Zachary gestured to the room. "I'll be on stage doing my own preparations, and one of my assistants will bring you out when it's time. You two will stay backstage," Zachary eyed Ron and David.

The two sneered at each other with hatred, still acting like children.

"Well," Zachary flashed his signature cocky smile before leaving, "see you out there soon, boys!"

The door was shut behind him and the room was void of all sound. The silence was defeating, so Larry broke it. "Isn't this exciting guys? We're about to be on tv!" he turned to Adam and shook his arm encouragingly with a smile.

His smile died as soon as he saw Adam's face. The stiffness in his jaw as he stared down at the table indicated that he was trying his hardest not to cry. Anyone who didn't know Adam well enough wouldn't be able to tell. But Lawrence could.

Lawrence took one look at Ron and David and they already knew what to do. "Hey, you wanna go check out the backstage?" Ron asked David, finally breaking their quiet game.

"Yeah, sure." David played along, getting up with Ron to leave the two of them alone.

When the door shut once again, the silence was even stronger than before. Adam still stayed in the same position, unmoving as Lawrence dipped his head down, trying to look Adam in the eyes.

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