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"Sometimes the person
you'd take a bullet for

************"Sometimes the person you'd take a bullet for

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I slowly turned around while clutching my heart.

I didn't think that I would see him again, that fast at least.

I was shocked to see Nathan that I couldn't even recognize what he was doing.

In his bloody hands was a gun, which was pointed at me.

He killed that guy, and now he was going to kill me.

I closed my eyes waiting for the bullet to hit me but it doesn't. So I slowly opened my eyes back again and saw him staring at me, "Did y-you k-kill him?" I asked him as I started stuttering.

"You are in no situation to ask me questions." He said as he continued pointing his gun at me as I felt a teardrop fall from my eyes.

"Jesus Nathan, leave the girl alone." Damon said as he came running towards us.

"She knows that I killed him, she's a witness and we have to kill her." Nathan said as he continued holding the gun towards my face while I was shivering and breathing heavily.

"Dude, you can't kill her she is innocent." Damon said, which made me feel nauseous as I heard him say the word 'kill' and made me look over at the dead body which triggered my vomiting. It was a mess.

"Lower the fucking gun." Damon yelled.

I felt someone holding my hair up while I continued vomiting. When I stopped, Damon gave me a tissue so I could wipe my mouth, "please don't let him kill me." I whispered to Damon while shivering

"Don't worry I won't." He said as he held me from my waist and walked with me.

"Where are you going?" Nathan said, which made me squeeze Damon's hand. Damon looked at me and saw that I was about to break down.

"I'm taking her to our place." He said as he smiled at me and told me that everything is going to be okay.

We walked to a black SUV car and I felt Nathan walking behind us.

Damon opened the door for me, and I sat in the back seat between Nathan and Damon.

I noticed the other two guys Justin, and the quiet guy named Cole. Justin sitting in the passenger's seat and Cole at the steering wheel.

"What is the waiter doing here?" Cole asked, he looked like a mysterious and silent person while Damon is the exact opposite.

Justin then added, "Please don't tell me she saw you."

"That's exactly what the douche did." Damon said, as Nathan glared at him and said, "I'm the fucking boss in here, so you have to respect me even if you're my friend."

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