My New Home

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"New home.
New adventures.

New adventures

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How did I end up in the same situation twice? I asked myself, Nathan's gun was still directed to my head.

"Nathan-" Olivia said as she barged into the room, then looked at both of us. 

"Leave her alone Nathan what the hell is wrong with you." Olivia said as she stood in front of me. 

"Get out Olivia." Nathan said as I continued breathing heavily.

"Nathan please leave her alone, she won't do anything." Olivia said.

"She has to stay in this house or she won't remain alive." Nathan said.

"Okay, she'll live here with us, just please put the gun down." Olivia said as Nathan put his gun on his waist and left the room.

"I can not live here, with a murderer." I said to Olivia. 

"Sweetheart you do not have any other options." She said. 

Damon ran up to us and asked me "Did he do anything to you?"

"No, she is fine." Olivia said. 

"Ohh thank god, I'm going to get the guest room ready for her." Damon said. 

After a while, Damon told us that my room is ready. So I went to check the room out and settle in. 

It was beautiful, it was blue themed with different shades of blue. The bed was big enough for 10 people while the walkthrough empty closet was spacious.

"Hey, new girl. Dinner is ready." Justin said behind my bedroom door.

"I'm not hungry." I replied.

"Come on you have to eat."

"I'm fine."

"Look you ha-"

"I said I'm fine." I said as I cut him off.

"Okay women calm down." He said as his footsteps became inaudible.

2 minutes later, Nathan barged into my room without knocking on the door. I was shocked when I saw him, so I sprung out of my bed at his sight.

"Have you ever heard of knocking? What if I was naked or something?" I asked.

"Why didn't you come down to eat?" He said as he ignored my question.

"I don't feel hungry."

"It's disrespectful to remain in your room while people are waiting for you at the dinner table." He said, acting like a fucking assshole.

"Respect? What do you know about respect." I said as I laughed," It is a good thing that you still have manners." I added.   

"What did you say?"

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