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"Life asked Death:
Why do people love me?
But hate you?

************"Life asked Death:Why do people love me?But hate you?

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I fell on my knees as I saw blood all over the room, I dropped the gun on the floor and started crying. The only time I saw a dead body, was when I met Nathan, and the second was when I lost my parents. So right now I couldn't function properly.

"I-I killed someone, I- I'm a-a murderer!!" I finally said as I parted my lips and started breathing heavily.

"Zoe, calm down." Nathan said as he bent down and tried to pull me up, but I couldn't stand, I couldn't move.

"Y- you don't get it, I- I killed someone." I said as I looked at Nathan's eyes.

"Zoe don't do this to yourself, you saved me. He was about to kill me." Nathan said as he finally pulled me up and kept on holding me from my waist so I don't fall.

"I can't move." I told Nathan as I wrapped my hands around his neck to pull myself up since my legs failed me. I was shivering even though it wasn't cold.

So Nathan then told me, "I'm going to carry you to my room.", I nodded and tried wiping the tears that kept on falling.

Nathan held me bridal style and took me to his room, "Lay down and stay here. I have to go help them out, ok?" He said.

So I nodded my head which made Nathan load his gun and run out of his room. I tried to close my eyes but whenever I do I see that dead body on the floor which made me want to throw up.

So I sat up on Nathan's bed and tried walking to the bathroom with the help of the wall. When I finally reached the bathroom, I immediately started throwing up in the toilet.

When I stopped vomiting, I reached the side of the toilet and flushed it. Then I remained seated on the bathroom floor and started pulling on my hair and crying.

Nathan finally arrived at his room and panicked when he didn't see me in his bed.

"In here." I said, which made him run into his bathroom and ask, "What are you doing on the bathroom floor?"

"I vomited." I said as tears were still falling from my eyes, he might think that I'm being overdramatic by crying too much but I just ended someone's life, I can never be fine again.

Nathan looked at me for a long while, then he left me on his bathroom floor and went back to his room.

After a minute, he came back holding a white shirt in his arm. "Let me help you change if it's fine with you?" He asked me so I nodded my head and he started taking my clothes off carefully then he added, "Don't worry I won't look."

Thank god that I was wearing the black lace panties that I got with the girls when we went shopping.

"Jesus." I heard him murmur as he pulled the shirt down on my body. The shirt showed off my thighs but at least it covered my ass.

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