The prison (chp9)

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I woke up in the prison. Near the start. I tried to walk around but there was something not to heavy stopping me. I looked at my feet. I saw that my shackle was attached to a chain. I followed the chain and it connected to.....SIX?? Six had a shackle as well but I seemed that I would be able to move more freely than her since her chains were attached to a wall and my chain that connected with her was very long. Six was still asleep. I wonder how she sleeps this much.
I wanted to wake her but then I didn't.

I noticed drawings on the wall. I remember this exact cell. The janitor would put me in this cell when I tried to runaway and that's how I gained the name runaway kid. I used to draw me and a girl but I never drew an identity for her. I was always bullied. Six was the only one who's like me. The same goal, the same eyes, the same sanity and the same fears. Fears of getting caught, going crazy. And yes I've done things that were insane like once.......


"Hey, runaway" the bully called. "I told you that's not my name" I said folding my arms. He started teeseing me for my messy hair and my long hair. He called me a freak for my glowing eyes. He said no-one can love or even like me. He kept at it. It started to really tick me off. He finished it with the words that ruined me and ended him. " I bet your parents left you here because they were ashamed of you" he shouted. I started to growl. I growled like a hound. I felt my teeth turn sharp. Everyone started backing away since I wasn't acting much like a human at this point. The bully stayed there and laughed. He chanted puppy at me. No-one chanted with him since they were to scared. Finally I blew a fuse. I lifted him up by the collar and made his neck bleed. He was trying to struggle. " look who's starting to regret what he said" I said evily. The kids there would say that I looked straight into his soul. I started to scare him by counting down from 10. Every second I sounded less human and I held him tighter. My voice started to sound like Satan. Then I started to look more like Satan when horns grew out of my head. This happens when I get to mad I turn into a monster. When it got to 1, he fell out of my hands and never moved again. Then I quickly dragged his body into a Cornor before the janitor came in. He was dragging a suitcase but he suddenly dropped it."aaaaaaaallllllllllright kids tiiiimee to goooo toooo the guest aaaaarrrrrrreeeeeeeaaaa" he said. He led the kids to the guest area but I was able to not get caught staying behind. I look at the suitcase. It was leather with some polished gold. I open it a tiny bit. I tilted my head enough to see inside. I see a little girl In a white T-shirt and red shorts with white stripes on the side lying on a cushioned side. There were pictures on the other side but I couldn't make them out. She then twitched and I dropped the top of the suitcase. The I heard her scream when I dropped the top. She had short dark brown hair with bangs covering everything but her mouth. I blushed for some reason. I open the top slowly. I see her shivering. I look for something. Then I find a yellow raincoat from one of those life sized dolls. I handed her the raincoat. She puts it on and looks at me. I give her a smile, forgetting that I still looked like Satan. I remembered then so It pretty much looked like I tried to scare her by showing her my teeth. She hugged me. I was confused. "Thank you" she whispered. Then the janitor ran in and stuffed her back in the suitcase. The janitor put me in my cell and left me there until I had to sleep. I then started to paint a girl with a yellow raincoat and I painted me holding her hand.


"That explains the paintings of me" I said giggling. "Ummm did I say the whole thing out loud" he asked rubbing his arm. "Yeah" I answered. "How Much of it did you hear?" he asked."I heard the bit where you were teesed and then the rest, I forgot that happened, I didn't know you blushed when you first met me" I said giggling. We started play fighting. The we decided to drag eachother with the chains. We were only playing.

Suddenly the janitor came down. "Yoooou toooooo are toooo loudddd tooogettheer, illll havee to spliiit you" the janitor said. (he talks like this so deal with it). He karate chopped sevens chain and grabbed him. "Don't you hurt him!!!" I shouted. I quickly clutched my stomach as I was hungry again. "Great timing" seven whispered. "Two love birds huh weeeellllll loooooovvvve iisss noooot aloud innnnn the mawwww" the janitor said scratching his head. I lost control again. I snapped the chain attaching me to the wall then I I ate through the iron bars. I pounced on the janitor and ate him alive. When I was finished seven was still falling. I quickly went below him ready to catch him. When he fell in my arms I held him bridal style. He was blushing like mad. He looked so cute when he gets embarrassed. I then cuddled him. "You remind me of a baby that I could just hug and cuddle all day" I said doing noisy noisy."And why would I remind you of a baby Mrs.cheese" he said, doing the nervous blushing voice. "because your so light and so lovable and cheesy and huggable and I could just hug you forever" I said hugging him. He giggled. "we better keep going" he said. " the way I know your only trying to runaway from the fact that........YOUR SO FREAKING ADORABLE"I said playfully. He smirked and rubbed his neck.

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