It Gets Real >28<

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Six was taking quite a long time."So ummm seven I meant to ask, are you and my sister a thing or?"Ellie asked. I blushed with embarrassment and I started sweating."ehehe no why.....why would you.....ask" I stuttered."Well it's they way that you guys treat eachother. You know I seen you guys on the CCTV thing and I swear if I could I would rewind all your romantic and cheesy moments" she replied. I jumped at the thought."How...many people have seen us?" I asked."Oh pretty much everyone"she replied. At this point I was soaked."Me and minus totally ship you guys" Ellie said."I should check on six" I said changing the subject."We'll be here" minus replied. I walked through the crack and into the room. Six was on the ground crying again. She had stains of blood on her coat and black particals danced around her. I ran over to her."Hey it's ok, what happened?" I asked. She pushed me away. "You happened" she said wiping tears."What?" I was so confused."Don't act like you don't know. You were faking everything. Your scared of me. If you were a good person than you would've told me. You were a shark and I was a shrimp, but now I'm the shark and your the shrimp and do you know what sharks do to shrimps, THEY EAT THEM" She shouted.

I started feeling guilty. I didn't want her to think theese lies."Six I was never a shark, your not a shark either, we are humans" I declared."That's another thing that's so annoying about you" she said rolling her eyes. I guess the only way to get six now was to be rude."Well you caught me. It was so obvious, I lied about you being beautiful,  your so fricken ugly that I hate looking at you" I said. She got affended."And you know what else I hate about YOU, the way that your so easily captured and distracted. Remember when you got those bad injuries and I apologised, I didn't mean it I didn't want to hold a fat person!" I shouted."HOW DARE YOU INSULT HER LIKE THAT I MEAN ITS INSULTING FOR HER BUT TO ME AS WELL SINCE I AM HER AND ALL OF THAT WAS UNCALLED FOR!" She shouted. "Yeah you heard me. Your probably confused. Well right now I'm possessing six" she continued."But why?" I asked."I don't answer questions for people who will go to the grave soon" she answered."Well fine by me" I declared. I started to anger myself."Come on, one on one" I declared. "Deal" she replied. We had our battle. I really didn't want to do this. I pointed at six and shadows shot out towards her. They hit her hard but she made a quick recovery. She ran at me and attempted to grab me by the neck. Luckily I was quick enough to grabbed her wrist. I twisted it and squeezed it tightly. She howled in pain. I threw her to the ground. I then picked her up and put her to a wall. I shook her a few times and chanted " Six come on". "That's not going to make me leave her alone" she said."Mabey not that but this might" I said. I quickly pulled her close and we kissed. Again I was saving her by kissing her.

When I let go of six she fell straight to the ground. I got on my knee's."Six?" I asked. I could see tears falling gracefully from her eyes." was awful....she....she....she--" I silenced her."She's gone for good" I said.

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