A B u t t e r f l y

223 17 10

h i s p o v ;

d e x t e r

i'm not rich 

i'm not poor,

love is priceless;

nothing more.

i say that because,

i love with my mind

not with my heart,

it can be broken

my thoughts cannot.

i've always been introvert,

being lonely is just fine,

i'm not afraid of people 

i just have inner peace 

with my mind.

it's hard to get love back

because i'm not very social,

when people surrond me

i don't know how to cope well.

 does that mean forever?


i finally found my love

she's a beautiful butterfly

when i ache of seeing her face

i playback and rewind it

in my mind.

does that make me insane?

her beauty has captured me

i think of her constantly,

it irked me so much

just wondering how it'd feel

for her face i could touch?

i think of her beauty

she like's a delicate, butterfly

for his love for her

is forever

i wonder why?

i loves butterflies

she's the perfect match

i think will she ever,

ever love me back?

i wander in the park

collecting my beauties

i think it's just a game

capturing them is so easy

in a net they go,

but is it really so?

as they're a thing of nature

for she's a humanly soul

i think of how to capture her

would it be such a task?

i think if maybe, just maybe

it wouldn't hurt to try..

i wonder to fulfill,

to fulfill my true heart's desire ?

i love to capture beauty

to embrace it forever.

but what happens when

the beauty dies?

do i throw it away?

or keep it as a treasure?

. . . . . . 

❝a woman is like a butterfly,

beautiful to look at,

but hard to catch.

except not in this case

because it wouldn't be the last glance.❞


dun. dun. dun.

does that sound creepy enough?

i sure hope not bc it creeped me out o.o

jk that's the point :) well i hope you like it though!

but anyway what do you think's gonna happen?

what do you want to happen?

i'm scared for what's gonna happen :o

see you later you creepster v.v

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