Chapter 30 Meditation and Sedation

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The first thing Starlings noticed about Cassie was the fact that she had no shimmer anymore. Almost as if instead of acting as a sparkling star, instead she was a black hole. Darkness covered her and she seemed to suck the light out of her surroundings, causing a constant dark cloud to be around her. 

The second things Starlings noticed about Cassie was her eyes. They always looked like she had just finished crying, only they weren't red and bloodshot. Instead, all around Cassie's eyes seemed so puffy. Dark circles that could be mistaken for a shiner covered her eyes. While her skin normally would be considered fair, now it was just completely drained of any colour, causing the darkness to seem even more drastic. 

Then they would notice her hair, how it used to always be worn in two buns, now she wore hats that were meant for the colder seasons, and her hair was never up anymore. She only ever wore it down, and it didn't seem like she brushed it either. The length difference was an obvious one when seen down, Cassie's hair was unrealistically long. Now it only reached halfway down her back and was thinned out a lot. 

After spending enough time with her, any Starling would notice Cassie's disposition had become softer. Everything she said had a hush in her voice and her actions seemed to be much more careful and perfectly planned out. She apologized for things she never apologized for before and made comments she normally wouldn't. 

Everybody had their own theory as to why, so obviously Piper did too. Piper knew the moment she saw Cassie walking from the mess hall to the dorms with Sage she knew how to help.  She didn't know how to completely solve the problem, but Piper was level-headed enough to understand that's not what Cassie is expecting of her. She wasn't going to give Cassie a lecture, she wasn't going to try and give Cassie a pep talk, or make the situation seem different. 

Instead, she decided to give Cassie some more immediate help. Piper was going to help Cassie sleep a full night alone. Using her powers and skills, Piper knew she could do it.

The three girls sat in the room together.  Cassie sitting next to Sage on one of her pillows with Piper levitating a few inches off the ground in front of them. Piper was doing her breathing exercises to help get in the mood. Cassie and Sage just awkwardly looked at each other. All around Piper glowed her unique minty green colour. She had to focus on being as calm as possible. 

Thoughts of rivers on WishWorld, snow slowly falling and young maidens rolling down hills flooded her mind. A soft smile went across Piper's face as she watched the psychic vision. She couldn't recognize any of them but was happy to be there with them in spirit. She focused on the joy, the exciting sound of the laughter mixed with the calming sound of the river nearby. 

Piper let out another breath and her colours began to change. It went from a minty green to more of a blue. The light grew brighter and began to illuminate Cassie. Piper was focusing all of it on Cassie, since she was the one who needed the sleep the most. Sage watched in amazement as Piper used her powers. 

Cassie's eyes began to close from the sudden feeling of sedation. Her eyes only closed halfway and her mind began to go quietly. Her mind was focused solely on the colour of Piper's glow. Cassie's breath seemed to hitch a little and she slumped down more. Sage could feel it too, her body was getting a little heavy, but only because of the glow reflecting off of her from Cassie. 

"Now close your eyes and breathe in..." Piper quietly said. Cassie took a deep inhale and her heavy eyelids closed. 

"And out..." Piper instructed Cassie breathed out. 

Sage's eyes widened as a horrific, black colour came from Cassie's mouth. Almost as if she was releasing smoke from her lungs. The very sight of it made Sage want to either cry or scream. "Is she... expelling negativity?" Sage asked whispering, trying not to take Cassie from her trance. Piper didn't answer as she was focused too hard on the vision she was having. Sage watched on.

Piper's mind started to naturally wander from her vision and instead, her mind's eye wandered it's way to her own memories as a child. She remembered the times she herself felt safe. She thought of sleeping in her own room back at her own among the spirits of those who once lived there. She took a moment to appreciate the fact she has spirits on the other side keeping her safe. 

Cassie's eyes started to leak smokey mists of black fog that seemed to disappear after coming from the corners of her eyes. Cassie's body started to go limp and the bright glow covering all of them quickly went away as Cassie's body fell forward. She was caught instantly by Piper, who continued to hold her close to her. 

"...Is she...?" Sage was afraid to finish her question. 

"Yes." Piper answered. 

"Oh my Stars!" Sage softly yelled. 

"Sshh! I meant she's asleep!" Piper quickly shushed her. Piper picked up Cassie in her arms reverse piggyback and brought her to her bed. She put Cassie down on her side and Sage washed as Piper touched in Cassie as if she was her own. Piper turned to Sage and the two tiptoed out of the room together. They didn't close the door all the way, leaving just a little crack open with the book wedged in the doorway. 

"Thank you, Piper," Sage whispered as she gave Piper a hug before the two girls went to their separate rooms. 

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