Trailer And Notes

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Hiya! Thanks for checking out my Star Darlings fanfiction 

This fanfiction has been in the works for a very long time and it still in the works. The events of this story take place months after "The Power Of Twelve", the Star Darlings are given more freedom beyond the label and responsibilities of being Star Darlings. While there are still a few Star Darling missions going on, things have calmed down a little letting the girls finally focus on their social lives. Some Star Darlings are living in new rooms in the new dorm being shared by all the Star Darlings, however some stayed with their roommates.  Friendship is still in the air and it would seem the general mood hasn't changed, despite the subtle feeling of ease. Until things get not-so-ease.

The characters, settings and more are a mix of the books, a slight change of invironment due to the Power Crisis being gone and time passing, and the shows along with a few headcanons, which is why Libby and a few others act a little different. Libby is  mix of the books version of Libby and the shows... for example :

Libby in the show : Omg that outfit is so gross lol

Libby in book : Let me buy you a whole wardrobe

Libby in show : *gets punched and falls like a damsel in distress then complains about how the fall ruined her dress*

Libby in book : *Apologizes in case the impact of face to fist hurt their hand, books/pays for 10 therapy sessions to help the bully understand their emotions better, buys them a house or something*

Libby in show : Boys, pink, parties

Libby in book : Brb gonna go get my heart removed and die so this person I just met can have donor for his heart transplant even though his wife is a perfect match so I can save both their lives

I hope you all like it, previous chapters and these notes will be updated every few weeks.

My Notes :

STAR DARLING CHARACTER GUIDE(Ones with # are still roommates in "Like I Do")

Adora+Tessa #



Cassie : (Teleportation/Volume Change, Invisibility) distrustful, jealous moody. First year. Parents died at 6, raised by her uncle, raised mostly by Marta the housekeeper, reads, wants friends but is too shy, Glowfur/Bitty was her mom's.

Sage : honest, literally an angel, probably best Starling, optimistic, adventurous, sneaky. Quick temper.

Leona : Caring, strong leader, dramatic, sings a lot, can lose her temper. Hometown is Flairfeild. Loves being centre of attention, hates being cold, two brothers two sisters, (Cassie reminds her of Duchess), best friend goals in the show but in the books she's kind of a cunt.

Scarlet : Everyone's fave character. Third Year, Home schooled, first time in life around other girls her age, alone 90% of her life, fights with Leona, bitch but probably the saddest too so

Libby: Overly generous, parents are rich, "everyone deserves everything!!", jumps to conclusions, just a pinky clone but good

Vega : Grew up with her mama, lived in a shitty town in a shitty apartment, loves Time Of Letting Go (fall??), easily embarrassed, opinionated, arrogant, reads non stop, always looks really cold, LEGS LEGS WHAT'S ON THE MENU?!

Vivica : Huge bitch before and after Sage left her on earth which led up to Rancora, self conscious about not being a SD, basically no good personality traits, should probably die, awesome hair, literally every fan of Star Darlings feels bad for her and we're still fucking waiting for that redemption arc Zappa

Gemma : Tessa's sister that never shuts up, grew up on a farm, wants everyone to like her cause just the thought of someone not liking her kills her, stfu, possible ADD, knows a little bit about everything, never stops talking, did I mention she talks

Piper : Head in the clouds, meditation, IS ACTUALLY PSYCHIC, lived with her nana and brother, possible ghost whisperer?, writing a four hundred thousand line poem but stuck on line 30, wants to write storie, spiritual af

Adora : Popular, Deep Thinker, Science and Fashion, headintheclouds, pushed Sage away when she hugged her in Adora's episode which was pretty weird

Tessa : Mom friend. Sister is Gemma, deep connection with creatures that only comes up in books, stubborn but insanely warm and nice, looks like a 20 year old mom but is in highschool. Thiccest character

Astra : (super speedy Starland squeezy) she's over confident, brave and clever but a cocky bitch. Jk she's pretty cool and Scarlet said "Astra-nomical" which was kind of funny.

Clover : Plays almost every instruments, writes Celestial Songs and DJ, wise cracker, creative, afraid to take risks

Glowfur : Eats flowers, nocturnal, is portrayed in the show as the annoying unescessary animal sidekick even though in the books Bitty is actually a big deal.



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