"Why is there blood everywhere?"

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Chanyeol's POV

Once again, I may or may not have run off without Baekhyun's permission, but it is most definitely for a good cause! You see, Baekhyun is the lead of the mafia group, which I am in, but there's more to it than that. He's my lover, and most days I just sit on a spare chair in his office watching him bark orders and murder people that come and go, but I feel the need to defy him today.

Sehun, Baekhyun's consigliere, was the first person I turned to for this. He is an assassin, a particular specialist with arson. His birthday gifts are usually personalised lighters, which although I treasure, Baekhyun despises, believing I should not possess anything that could bring me harm. He seems to have forgotten that I am involved in the mafia and am only one or two years younger than him.

Sehun was able to 'accidentally' let slip the name of the next man to be assassinated by one of Baekhyun's men and I may have gone and researched him, finding his precise location in an abandoned warehouse, selling weapons to everyone under the sun. Since he is close to the area, I thought I would be able to be home quickly, but that is not the case.

There is a certain unhealthy rush that comes over me when I kill. Blood seeping the webs of my fingers never ceases to make me smile, no matter how gruesome other people claim it to be. I lose myself in murder, my state of mind becoming more of a psycho than Chanyeol. Currently in a warehouse, my situation isn't the best. I'm covered from my neck to my toes in dried blood and intestines whilst a reeking dead body sits, tied to a chair daintily as I come down from my high.

"Fuck..." I murmur, looking at the mess I've made. If I don't clean myself off before Baekhyun gets back, I'll surely be the one with a bullet to my head. Not that I care, it's often that Baekhyun threatens me, but I know he's just doing it so I'll obey him. It works most of the time anyway. I decide to ring Sehun again so he can come and pick me up since I am also forbidden from vehicles ever since I caused that one mini fire! It was so small but I was in so much trouble!

"Sehun! Could you pleeeeaaasseee come and pick me up from the warehouse where you were meant to kill that guy?" I ask in my sweetest voice, knowing it drives everyone insane. I used to use that voice on Baekhyun, but he knows better than to react and give me what I want. Sometimes he acts like my father.

"Chanyeol, what did you do?" His voice sounds just a little panicky, but I can already picture his stoic face as he speaks to me through the phone. Sehun is basically the total package. Although he specialises in arson, he creates drug recipes, is an amazing assassin and can outsmart just about anyone as well as fight until his opponent is bleeding from every single pore! I often have mini fangirl moments over him, just because he's so cool. . .

"I may or may not have killed him myself, and now I'm covered in blood." I stutter as I run around the warehouse trying to figure out what to do. It felt so good at the time being able to watch the light leave someone's eyes, but now the same thing will happen to me if Baekhyun sees.

"Chanyeol, I know you hate how Baekhyun babies you, but for the love of god you don't have to kill someone every time! Baekhyun will be back from his meeting in half an hour. The warehouse is at least an hour away. It'll take two hours for me to come and get you by which Baekhyun will have been informed of what's happening and will bite your head off like he always does." Sehun scolds through the phone, making me wince as I realise he's right. Ever since I joined the mafia Baekhyun had taken an interest in me. It took a long time for the both of us to come around, because everyone thought I was schizophrenic and Baekhyun had trust issues. Now, Baekhyun has the whole group babying me, and the worst part is, I think they enjoy it.

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